Video Three: Pro-Hero Eel Boy

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It was a few days past the last time Tsukauchi began watching the videos. He was bogged down with the sudden number of quirkless deaths rising.

There were only 20% of a quirkless population, majority being older folks but  fourth generation quirkless kids have been targeted for many crimes recently.

One unnamed villan had begin targeting quirkless kids and slaughtering them and their families. In just two weeks, it seemed the quirkless population has decreased a whopping 2%. It doesn't sound like a lot but Tsukauchi is concerned.

How does the villan even know who is quikless? Are they related to a quirk counselor? A quirk doctor? Did they steal or hack files?

The detective had so many questions and none of them were answered. The quirkless population was already dying of natural causes, the villan is just speeding up the process of quirkless extinction.

It was the weekend so Tsukauchi was going to binge watch the videos that Hero Belief had posted.

He clicked on the third video, the screen going black and the title popping up.

Pro-Hero: Eel Boy

"Hello, Mr. Eel Boy, um...I have a quick--a super quick question to as--ask you!" The voice sounded slightly hopeful yet timid.

It was as if the voice was thinking, maybe this time they will say yes.

Tsukauchi grimaced, he had an idea as to what all the biased heros were going to say. But he doesn't want to imagine how that is going to impact the timid voice.

"Ah yes! Hello! What's your question kiddo? And uh...why are you wearing a mask?"  The hero seemed slightly on edge yet openminded, surely a good sign from Eel Boy.

Tsukauchi wrote down some notes.

Young--probably around teen years. He said kiddo and usually pro's say that to kids who seem traumatized as a way to make them feel secure. Does the teen look traumatized? Is he ok? Safe?

Wears a mask. I'll have to contact the pro and ask more about the kid. It's unnerving that a kid is doing these videos though. He seems to do it alone...but who knows maybe there is someone behind the scenes helping out.

He clicked play on the video.

"Uh, ye--yes sir! It just makes me comfortable...." The kid replied in a stutter.

The pro-hero's costume rustled, presumably getting closer to the level of the kid.

"I--I uh..." there was an awkward pause and a shifting sound. Bouncing around? Shifting their weight back and forth? The pause was about eleven seconds long before the voice broke out of their slight stupor. "I was wondering if anyone could be a hero?"

"Anyone? Hmm...that is quite broad."

Tsukauchi was leaning forward on his seat. There's was a few moments of silence before the hero continued.

"Of course everyone can be a hero! You can too, little guy!" The hero announced, proudly.

So the voice is a boy. A kid. In a mask.

It sounds like an anonymous reporter...but it cannot be because they already declined having anything to do with the chanel plus they don't hire that young unless it was someone's kid.

Tsukauchi sighed in relief at the hero's words, sitting back on his rolly chair. This was good, right? The kid heard that everyone can be a hero. That's what he wanted?

He was about to click off the video before he noticed there was still a good forty-seven seconds left.

Maybe...I assumed too soon...

" a quirkless person can become a h-hero?" The kid sounded like he was in awe.

"Hmm..." There was a rustling in the background, probably from the pro hero getting up to leave. He sounded contemplative once more.  "I'm not so sure about that, actually. It would be extremely hard, impossible even. But thanks for asking questions, kid. Your future is looking bright from what I can  tell!"

Tsukauchi sighed.

The last few seconds included a voiceover about how amazing Eel Boy was and giving reasons as to how everyone could be a hero. Escpecially Emmitter type quirks, since Eel boy had a quirk similar to the functions of an electric eel.

Tsukauchi sighed, that was definitely a blow the kid is not taking well. I need to find him and reassure him. Fast.

He watched as the next video for the channel popped up and began playing the videos and taking notes on loop.

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