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This is gonna gonna be based on the episodes when Ahsoka leaves the Order. Enjoy!
Anakin's POV
Ahsoka and I were walking down the hallway of the Jedi Temple, having a casual conversation when it happened.
Ahsoka's injury and a near-death experience, the explosion, and several Jedi deaths. After the smoke cleared, I ran over to Ahsoka. Her hand was clutched to her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Ahsoka!" I cried.
"Anakin. Help me, please." She coughed, still trying to stop her stomach from bleeding.
"Your gonna be fine, Sweetheart. I'll get you some help."
"Ani." Her arm weakly rose to grab my hand.
"I'm gonna pick you up, okay? It might hurt, I'm sorry."
"Please, don't leave me. Don't let me die!" Her cry was filled with pain and agony.
Soon, I heard several running footsteps coming toward me.
"Skywalker, what happened?" Mace Windu asked.
"I'll explain later, Ahsoka needs help."
She must have passed out when I looked at down, her eyes were closed and her head laid in the bend of my elbow.
"Ahsoka? Ahsoka?! Wake up!" I shook her shoulder and patted her cheek.
I ran, with pure adrenaline coursing through my veins, and down the never-end seeming hallway to the Halls of Healing. I laid her on the bed and was pulled out of the room. Obi-Wan rested his hand on my shoulders, but I didn't look at him.
"Anakin, what happened? We all heard the explosion but how did Ahsoka get hurt?"
"I-I don't know. All I saw was smoke then I heard the explosion, and I saw Ahsoka laying on top of a pile of...her-her blood." I choked on about every word.
"She's a strong young woman, Anakin. She'll be okay."
Ahsoka's POV
I slowly crack my eyes open. But I wasn't in the medical wing of the Jedi Temple. I was back on my homeworld, Shilli.
'It's very bright. Where am I?'
"Child, are you okay?"  Someone called. It almost sounded like Master Plo.
I heard a little girl scream.  Wait a minute, that little girl was a Trogruta. She had blue and white headtails.
"Please, don't hurt me." She sounded terrified.
"Come now, Child. I'm not gonna harm you. I'm a Jedi and here to help you. Where are your parents?"
"My mommy and daddy are gone. I live alone." The little girl answered, sounding less scared.
Next, I saw her walk over to the Jedi. The scene changed to Master Plo holding the little girl in his arms, standing in front of the Jedi Council.
"Tell everyone your name, Child."
"Ahsoka Tano."
"Ahhh!"  I screamed.
I felt two strong arms holding me down at my shoulders. Then, I felt a soft kiss on my cheek.
"Ahsoka, your okay. You're alright. Just relax, Sweetie."
"Anakin?" I asked groggily.
"I'm right here." Another soft kiss.
"Ah! My stomach hurts."
"Yeah, you must have been right next to the explosion. You were in surgery to get metal shards out of your stomach. Try not to move, the more you do, the more it hurts." Anakin gently pushed against my shoulders, laying me back against the bed.
"Ani, I had a weird vision. Or dream, I don't know. But I was back home, on Shilli. It was the day Master Plo found me and brought me to the temple. Do you remember?"
"Yes, I do. I didn't even know you were there until several years later. I only know that story from Master Plo telling me."
"Well, it didn't happen as I remember. I was a lot more scared than I actually was. I didn't trust Master Plo until he told me he was a Jedi. Then, I was in the temple being introduced to everyone."
"Was there something else different?"
"He didn't check my midiclorian count. I know he did that for sure. Why else would I be here?" I asked.
"Perhaps to meet me?" He snickered and pecked my lips.
"We'll go with that. I love you, Ani."
"I love you too, Snips."

Anisoka: 2nd VersionWhere stories live. Discover now