It's Not the Right Time

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This chapter will be some Ahsoka and Padme bonding. Ahsoka is 19, Anakin is 21, Padme is 24, and Padme knows about them. Just for this chapter, though. Enjoy!

Ahsoka's POV
4:00 am

I woke up in the middle of the night out of a dead sleep. My stomach was hurting so bad. Like someone was stabbing me repeatedly. Anyway I moved, it still hurt.

8:30 am

I tried to get some more sleep, but it wasn't going to happen. Soon, Anakin rolled over and kissed me. 

"Snips, we've got a mission today. We need to get up or Obi-Wan is not going to be happy."

"Let me sleep." I complained.

"What's wrong?" He asked with his voice filled with concerned. 

"My stomach hurts. Like something is stabbing me." I answered through gritted teeth and I curled into a ball. 

I gasped in pain when he tried to touch it. He decided to hug me instead. He suggested I stay home from the mission and go to the Halls of Healing. I only agreed because I never would have if I didn't feel like I was going to vomit. 

When he left our room, I went to the bathroom and tried to make myself a little more presentable. I had plans to meet up with Padme and hang out with her for the day. As I walked to the hangar, I had a strong urge to vomit. I wasn't far from my room so I ran back and just barely made it. 

"Ugh, why am I so nauseous?" I asked out loud after I was done. 

I contacted Padme and told her what was going on. She seemed like she understood as if she had this bug or whatever, herself. She didn't seemed worried about getting it because she still wanted me to come over. I cleaned myself up and I got to my starfighter and left for the Senator's apartment. 

Once I got there, Padme ushered me in and we sat on the couch. 

"Ahsoka, I think I know what's wrong with you. Have you been having this kind of stuff happen a lot lately?" She questioned with worry penetrating her voice. 

"Not the vomiting, but I've had some bleeding for a few days. What's going on?" 

"I think you might have been pregnant, but now I think you are having a miscarriage." She answered solemnly. 

My mouth opened and closed a few times trying to say something, but nothing came out. The tears were inevitable. They spilled down my cheeks, and my hand covered my mouth. 

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I know how much you always wanted a baby. If you didn't know, Anakin probably didn't either, did he?" 

I shook my head. 

"Was it me? Did I harm them because I didn't know?" I sobbed. 

She soothingly rubbed my back and assured me that it wasn't my fault. While I was still crying, my commlink went off; it was Anakin. I was going to answer it, but Padme insisted she took it instead. 

Padme's POV

"Oh, hey, Padme. Did I call you by accident?" Anakin asked. 

"No, this is Ahsoka's comm, but she couldn't answer it right now." 

"Is she okay? She wasn't feeling good this morning when I left and I told her to go to the doctor."  

I sighed and told him why Ahsoka wasn't feeling good. He looked more shocked and hurt as I told him. 

"We had a baby and she didn't know? How long was she pregnant?"

"We don't know. I'm going to have a medic come to my apartment.  You need to come, if you can." I told him. 

"I'll make sure I'm there." 

I turned off the comm and walked back to the living room. Ahsoka's sobs' had slowed down, but she still sat there staring at her lap. I walked over to her and told her I had a medic on the way to make sure she was okay. 

We only waited a few minutes after I took Ahsoka to my bedroom, and the medic was there. I waited outside to give them some privacy. Anakin had shown up a little while later. 

"The medic is doing an exam." That was all I told him. 

The medic came out a few minutes later and told us she was 11 weeks along. They did an ultrasound and had a picture to keep of the baby. It was small, but it was there. 

Anakin walked in first and I followed him in after the medic left.  He sat on the bed and hugged his wife tight. All she kept whispering as she cried was that she was sorry. They just held each other and kept telling each other they loved the them. 

3rd Person POV

Later that week, Ahsoka went to the hospital to get the baby out, since her body couldn't do it its own. It took her several weeks to recover from the temporary heart ache, but neither of them would forget about their baby they never got to meet. 

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