Teacher's Life

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What would a couples' life look like when they're both teachers? I have no motivation at this point so I'm grabbing at straws. Enjoy!

Anakin's POV

Me, Ahsoka, and the kids always walked into the elementary school together, but she turned toward her 1st grade classroom with Sokka and I took Ashla to the 2nd grade classroom. After I dropped Ashla off, I walked to my office in the gym. 

Soon, the bell rang indicating class was starting. I never have a first period, so I get my office set up for the day. I write up my schedule and finish my coffee. That hour always goes by fast and my first class started to walk in. 

When you're an elementary gym teacher, accidents are bound to happen at some point or another. I had the Kindergarteners, and I was letting them have some free time before the lesson. 

2 boys, Luke and Han, had ran into each other and hurt themselves. Han had a bloody nose and I'm pretty sure Luke had a head injury. I helped Han get his bloody nose under control and I walked Luke to the office. Typical boys playing rough.

Ahsoka's POV

Normally, my class is filled with the sweetest kids in the school. Some days they say something nice for no reason, or they give you little flowers they find at recess. Other times, they can be a handful. Today, it had to be my kid that was being a handful.

"Everybody, pay attention, please." I addressed. "It's time for Independent reading. You can read a book you picked out at the library, or you can read something from the classroom library. Remember, no talking for the first 15 minutes, but after that you can quietly read with a friend if it doesn't get too loud." I also wrote the directions on the board. 

It wasn't even 5 minutes in and I looked up from my computer and Sokka wasn't following the directions. 

"Sokka, it's not time to talk yet. Sit down and read, please." 

He acknowledged me, but he got distracted right away. 

"Sokka, come up here."  

He put the book down, which I'm sure he didn't even start, and walked up to me. 

"Baby, why aren't you listening to me? It's time to be quiet and you're not following directions." I whispered. "Read the directions on the board." 

"Don't talk." He answered quietly. 

"That's right. Go sit back down at your desk. If you still don't listen to me, you won't be able to read with a friend."

He sat down again and finally decided to do what he was told. I told my class that they could read with a friend if they wanted. I like to give them an option because I have a few kids who read better alone. After that, they had a quick math lesson before I took them to the gym for lunch. 

I walked back to my room. Anakin was there, not surprisingly. I smiled, locked the door, and walked back to my desk which he was spinning in my chair. I stopped him, leaning on the arm rests, and kissed his nose, trailing down to his lips. 

"Ms. Tano, you're in trouble. You're sleeping with a hot gym teacher." He teased. I laughed and kissed him again. I sat on his lap and deepened the kiss. I eventually pulled away so I could talk. 

"Babe, I think you've got ADHD." I tried to protest, but I couldn't help it that I go weak when he kisses me.  

"I'm sorry, I lose focus with such a hot teacher in my lap. We don't get this kid of time without worrying about the kids." He poked my side and I let out a squeal. We continued to kiss, but we ran out of time and I heard my little ones outside my door trying to get in. I jumped off Anakin's lap, fixed my clothes and hair, then I let the kids in. 

"Hello, kiddos." I greeted. Almost all of them said hi to Anakin. They loved their gym teacher and he loved them, too. 

"Okay, say goodbye to Mr. Skywalker and get your pencils out. It's time for some English work and then you have gym." Anakin quickly kissed my cheek as he walked out and left the room. 

"Ms. Tano, why does Mr. Skywalker kiss you?" A girl asked me. 

I stifled a laugh. Probably wasn't Anakin's best move to kiss me in front of the kids. 

"He's my husband. I just tell you to call me 'Ms. Tano' since it's shorter and easier to say." I continued with the rest of the lesson, and told Anakin not to kiss me in front of the kids at school anymore. 

Sorry it's kind of short, but I wanted to add some "sexy" Anisoka stuff. This is the first time I attempted something like that, so I hope it was okay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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