Chapter Thirteen:

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He dropped the parchment paper into the fire and smirked at my dejected gaze.  The evidence was gone.  Again.  Once he was done with that, he dropped the newspapers into the fire.  Even though he had scolded me for losing my lunch, he knew that I would always lose it.  That's why he placed the newspapers on the floor.

"If you're good, Kathryn, I might keep you for another month."  His mouth moved, and I heard the words, but they hardly registered.  I stared at the evidence that was currently starting to burn in the fireplace.

Suddenly a bright light illuminated the living room, and he quickly dumped the rest of the papers onto the fire, almost snuffing it out in the process.  I mustered the strength I had left in me and lunged at him from behind.  We fell just to the left of the fireplace.  He quickly pinned me down.

"Do you want to die now, Kathryn?" he threatened.  I stared up at him, my heart pounding a million miles per hour within my chest.  He was going to kill me in the end anyway.  I might as well try to defeat him.

He dug his nails into my skin, making sure that he was hitting the wound he had created earlier.  I let a wild scream split the air as I kicked at his legs.  Taken off guard, he toppled to the side, and I quickly grabbed a blood-soaked newspaper that hadn't caught on fire yet.

I started to crawl for the front door as Peter let out an inhuman growl.  I hadn't gotten far before his hand wrapped around my leg in a vice grip.  With determination and the last bit of energy I had, I raised my free leg and kicked at his face with all of my strength.  He let out a howl and released me.

I crawled faster towards the door and reached for the doorknob.  Only one more inch, and I would be free.  My fingers brushed the bronze metal before I was pulled backward and brutally thrown into the couch for the second time that day.  The burning itch returned and filled the back of my head.  Stars configured in my view, and I blinked hard.  I stared at the blurred figure in front of me.  I couldn't see him, but I knew that he was dressed in an expensive suit from Macey's and that his blazing, blue eyes were filled with hate and defiance.

I knew his name was Peter and that he would always win.

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