Chapter Six:

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A shudder wracked my frame as he dragged me ruthlessly to the kitchen.  Struggling would only make the process go slower, so I resigned to using dead weight.  My hair brushed against the stark wall that separated the kitchen from the living room, and my newly freshened wound prickled like needles.  Butterflies flitted through my stomach and danced through my frozen veins, making them come to life again.

Peter grunted as he dragged me the rest of the way into the kitchen.  "Why make it so hard, Kathryn?"

A chill ran down my spine and shot its icy darts into my muscles.  Now there was no point in fighting or using dead weight because the kitchen was where it would happen.  I glanced towards the table.  The chairs were pushed against one blindingly bright, white wall and all of the window shades were drawn.

He yanked me to my feet and placed his hands on my shoulders to guide me to the table.  As we approached, I could see newly placed sheets of parchment paper rolled out on the delicate, hand carved edges.  My father had made this table for both of us when we were married last year.  My throat closed off like a cork in a wine bottle, and the blood drained from my face.  A ringing tone started in my ears as panic settled in, and I darted to the left.  The unexpected movement made my head spin, and he cried out in surprise.

He grabbed the back of my collar and ripped me back into his chest.  I shivered like a leaf from the impact and obediently stayed put.  He continued to lead me to the table, but this time he kept a slender hand on my neck, reminding me who was stronger and who would win.

The table top reminded me of a chilly, autumn night when you first get under your covers, and I shivered as it met with my back.  His lips twisted into a wicked sneer as he retreated to the kitchen counter.  I heard a sickening snap of latex gloves and then the sound of metal and granite grinding together.

It would soon happen.

Peter, PeterWhere stories live. Discover now