Chapter Four:

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The door creaked shut again, and the innocent was gone.  My fear was replaced with the gnawing ache of despair.  His smug face appeared by the door, and I inched back as far as I could go.  He shook his head as if I were the one being murderous.

"Kathryn," he spoke gently.  Tauntingly, he took a step forward.  "Why look so sad?  Life should be celebrated."

Celebrated.  The word bounced around my head like a tennis ball.  He was telling me to enjoy this moment?  Anger burned through my chest like a wild fire, and the stars cleared from my vision.  Before I knew what was happening, I had removed myself from the soft, cream-colored carpet and had placed my hands accusingly on his repulsing chest.

He wasn't surprised.  He had wanted this reaction and had been waiting for it like a hungry wolf.  He grabbed my wrists and used my weakness to pull me into him.  His eyes glinted dangerously behind his thick, long eyelashes.  He was amused that I would attempt such a failing maneuver.

"Dare you threaten me, Kathryn?" he mocked.

When I didn't answer, his expression turned dark, and he whirled me around.  I stumbled unsteadily against his frame, and he caught my hands from behind.  His head appeared next to mine, and he sniffed my long, wavy black hair.  I had put my favorite strawberry shampoo in this morning, hoping it would cheer me up.

It had worked until he got home.

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