Chapter Seven:

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All the muscles in my body rippled as I caught a glimpse of something shiny and smooth.  The parchment paper crackled beneath my shaking body like dried seaweed, and the palms of my hands started to sweat against my will.  I wiped the sticky substance on my newly ironed jeans and watched as he stepped forward.  A pit formed in my stomach as I recognized the object in his hand.

"This can be quick, Kathryn," he informed me, his eyes flashing a silent warning.  I gripped the edge of the table and willed myself not to look.

I could hear him walk to the end of the table, crunching old newspapers under his feet, and I squeezed my eyes shut.  The blood in my veins pulsed faster when he laid his hand on my wrist and gripped it tightly as if I were a dangerous criminal instead of his wife.  He raised it to his nose and sniffed the perfume before lowering it to his mouth.  My fingers twitched involuntarily, and I fought the urge to fight back.

He kissed the hollow of my wrist as if we were merely having a romantic night in our kitchen, and then he placed it gently back on the table.  The deafening snap of plastic against skin sounded near my ear, and I cringed.

He was confusing my frazzled emotions.

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