Chapter Three:

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A soft knock came on the door, and the sweet sense of relief washed over me like a tsunami.  The relief quickly shattered when the creeping fingers of fear settled within my veins.  Its claws seized every muscle I had and movement was near to impossible.  A smirk is what did it.  His smirk had shown me that I was saved by the innocent for only a moment longer.

His polished shoes, shined to perfection, took confident steps out of the living room and into the entry way.  I could hear the familiar creak of the door as he pulled it open.  The innocent spoke first, and then he responded in his delicate voice.

The voice he had used to bait me.

I mustered up what little strength I had left and breathlessly pushed out a small, "Help".  My voice came out pitiful and horribly dry, but I was determined not to let him win.  I struggled to sit up, but the pain was too much.  In the next room, I heard the innocent speak again.  He responded with a melodic chuckle.

It was the same chuckle he had used to reel me in.

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