Chapter One:

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My head twisted around like a windmill in a fierce wind.  My skin prickled as every hair on my scalp was yanked back.  The ceiling spun as I hit the ground, my head snapping backward awkwardly.  A whimper bubbled from my throat and finally came out as a shriek.  The immediate consequence was several slaps to the face with the back of his hand.

While he was occupied with tearing into my flesh, I scrambled to my knees and reached for the doorknob.  Only one more inch, and I would be free.  My fingers brushed the cold, bronze metal before I was pulled backward and brutally thrown into the couch.  A burning itch filled the back of my head and dizziness swept over me.  Stars configured in my view, and I blinked hard.  As sweat began to form at the top of my forehead, I stared at the blurred figure in front of me.  He was dressed in an expensive suit from Macey's, and his blazing, blue eyes grabbed at my own with a defiance I shuttered at.  He wasn't muscular, but he wasn't scrawny either.

His name was Peter, and he was my husband.

Peter, PeterWhere stories live. Discover now