Going Rogue

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: MissBonnett

Author: MissBonnett

Rating: 10/10

Comments: Going Rogue tells the story of Jess and Drew's flight from their own pack after a hostile takeover nearly lands Drew into a forced mating.  They find themselves hiding in a small town where their new pack shows them how love and loyalty matter more than brute force and power. Great story that shows the flip side of going rogue.


Tragedy struck the peaceful Briar Pack, after Jacob Coldwell decided to preform a hostile take over. Jess and Drew were given the choice to align with him or die like the rest of the wolves who opposed him. And just to make things worse, he named Drew as his mate. Jess and Drew decided they'd rather be rogues. While running for their lives, Drew becomes gravely ill and the boys are taken in by a small pack that was bursting with love. They can't stay. There was a chance Jacob could find them and slaughter them all just like before. However, the longer they stay and start creating a life there, the harder it is to leave.

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