Wild Magic 2: Dark of the Sun

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Author: herellwrites

Rating: 9/10

Comments: This is a great story about second chances, redemption, and learning to love. Strong sequel. Cain and Riece are great foils for each other and prove to be exactly what the other needed.

Sequel: Follows Wild Magic 1: By the Light of the Moon; Followed by Wild Magic 3: The Shade of the Earth and Wild Magic 4: The Light Beyond Constellation.


After a brutal betrayal, Cain of Akar, child soldier, the Bain of Notting, and wild magic mage, swore to never give another power over him, especially his heart. And since that vow to the gods, he's never been tempted...Until now.........."You need to stop settling for quick fucks and find a man who won't chafe at being in the dark beside your sun. Who will protect you, cherish you, appreciate you for the man you are rather than the crown you wear."

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