Far from Home 2: The Monster's Heir

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Author: herellwrites

Rating: 9/10

Comments: While not usually a fan of poly stories, I did really enjoy this one. There wasn't the same kind of imbalance that usually keeps me from those books; (slight spoiler, if you haven't read any of the series) the imbalance here is created by one character's racism, rather than an uneven romantic attachment. Llyric's compassion, his care for others, and his love for his mates prove that family doesn't have to define who you choose to be. 

Sequels: Follows "Far from Home 1: The Warlord's Chosen"


"For the innocence of my mother, I suffered alone in the dark. For the sins of my father, I give my blood."Llyric has lived his life beneath stone, among darkness and cold. Having seen the sun for the last time when his father last attempted to steal his innocence when he was a young child, Llyric spends his days with a mouth bound, a body beaten and torn, and a soul and heart darkened by his own blood. He knows he deserves what he suffers, for the blood is his veins is evil. He knows this. He accepts it. Until the day he is saved, and possibly given a chance at living beyond his blood.

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