Something About Sam

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Author: koalak

Rating: 8/10

Comments: This is a great story about love, fame, priorities, and coping mechanisms. Taite and Sam start off well, but once their relationship is in the spotlight, things quickly fall apart. Sam resorts to drugs in his sadness and anger. Taite has to come to terms with being thrust into fame without his knowledge or consent and figure out how to help the one he loves recover from the mess his life has become.

I have only two critisms for this story. 1) Taite and Sam never discuss publicizing their relationship and when Taite becomes overwhelmed and uncomfortable with his privacy being yanked away, it seems like it's just brushed aside like he is wrong to be upset about the loss of control in his life.  2) Sam's drug use is basically swept under the rug and treated like it's nothing. If I remember correctly, Taite even loses his virginity after Sam's concert when he is still high. I would've like to have seen more emphasis placed on his recovery or even some overt remorse from him for his behaviors.


Taite Jefferson certainly did not expect the world's biggest superstar to be sitting on his living room couch when he woke up the day after his high school graduation. He didn't expect to like him, either. Taite Jefferson was very, very wrong.

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