The Tribal Chief's Mate: A Far from Home Prequel

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Author: herellwrites

Rating: 9/10

Comments: This was such a great story. I'm not often a fan of age-gap romances, but this works without getting squicky. Srin'yete and Jacob deal with old feelings, new feelings, and learning who they are after so much time spent apart. I really appreciated how the author addressed the stigma around abuse victims. An excellent read.


"When I'm old enough, I'm gonna mate you, JakeJake. Don't forget, ok? You're gonna be mine forever."
"Of course, arayna," Jacob replied with the deepest of smiles touching his lips. Srin'yete's infatuation with Jacob would peter out as he grew, so Jacob saw no reason to deny his little fantasy now. Arayna, Jacob called him. Little dear heart. "Forever, arayna."**********Srin'yete has never known freedom. Taken from his home when he was still only a child, Srin'yete has lived each day thinking only of the face of the man he left behind. The man who swore he'd someday be his forever. Now Srin'yete has returned to his homeland, escaping from a terrible fate with the help of an unlikely savior, only to be reviled and cast aside by the home he left so long before. Devoid of hope and tired of the pain of living, Srin'yete is ready to give up. But that man, who thought he lost the little boy he adored all those years ago, won't give him up so easily. Even if it means keeping that promise he made to the little boy he never thought he'd have to keep. Even if it means giving life and love a second chance.

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