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Jason and Cassidy are sitting at the table eating dinner. Jason is attempting to explain to Cassidy what the game Spud is but Cassie isn't understanding at all.

"And than-" Jason's cut off when the door bell rings.

"Keep eating." Cassie points as she stands to answer the door.

She walks into the foyer than approaches the door. She opens it to find a shocking scene.

"Derek?" She asks.

"Daddy!" She hears along with footsteps.

Jason's runs up and jumps into Derek's arms.

"Hey buddy." Derek says, picking him up and hugging him.

"Babe." Cassie says, looking wearily at Derek. "What are you-"

"We need to talk." Derek says, placing Jason on the ground.


"Us." A new voice sounds.

Cassidy's face turns white as a ghost as she sees Peter Hale, walking and scar free, standing in front of her.


The family of three are in their normal dinner seats while Peter is sitting in the usual empty seat.

"Why isn't anyone talking?" Jason asks.

"Jay, how bout you go watch Netflix." Cassie suggests.

"Really?" Jason asks, not knowing if she's joking.

"Really." Cassie nods. "And I'll put your plate away."

"Bye!" The boy says than runs up the stairs.

"Cute kid." Peter comments.

"Shut up." Derek and Cassidy says.

"Rude... CJ, how are you this mean to me. You haven't even asked how I was doing."

"Well, Derek's not supposed to be here. You bit Scott McCall. And a, you killed Laura!" Cassidy exclaims.

"I already told Derek that-"

"I don't care what you told him. You murdered your own flesh and blood. Your niece."

"Let's just call her collateral damage."

"Col-" Derek cuts Cassie off by grabbing her hand and shaking his head. She looks down and takes a deep breath. She than turns her gaze back to Peter.

"What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want Derek in my pack along with Scott. Maybe even Jason one day."

Cassidy clicks her tongue than says, "Do whatever you want, kill whoever you want. But do not, have Derek or Scott kill anyone for you, or with you. And you will not go near Jason. Understand?"

"Looks like you've get some mama wolf instincts."

"Well my bite is worst than my bark. Now if you excuse me, I have work in the morning."

With that, Cassidy gets up and puts the dishes in the sink and leaves Derek and Peter alone.

"So you finally got her." Peter says.

"Shut up." Derek says.

"I remember a six year old Derek coming up to me and saying 'that's the one'." Peter ponders.


Sixteen year old Peter sits on a bench at the park as a six year old Derek plays on the playground. Derek chases the other kids, a smile on his face.

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