Wolf Moon

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One week later: Present


It's just past midnight and Cassie is still up. Laura had a lead and Derek had gone to meet her out by the Hale House.

Currently filling out the rest of the papers she needs in order to start her jobs at the hospital to tomorrow, Cassidy hears the font door shut quietly.

Standing up, she walks out of the kitchen and into the foyer to see Derek sitting in font of the door, his back to the wall, with a devastating look on his face.

"Der?" Cassie hesitantly asks.

Derek looks up and Cassie sees the tears on his face. She moves towards him and crouches down in front of him.

"What's wrong Babe?" She asks.

"Laura's dead." Derek chokes out.

Cassie's stunned for a moment. Laura? Her best friend? The girl that looked after her and Derek after the fire? Dead?

Cassie wraps her arms around Derek's neck and cries silently with him. He pulls her into his lap and wraps his arms around her.

"How?" Cassie manages out quietly.

His arms tightening as he cries harder, he says, "Cut in half."

Cassie holds onto him tighter. That means there's hunters in town. That means trouble is about to begin.


Cassidy wakes in hers and Derek's bed, not remembering how the two of them got there. Derek's face is in front hers, his arm pulling her into him.

Cassie reaches her hand up, caressing Derek's face. His eyes flutter open and meet Cassie's blue ones. The tiniest smile crosses Cassie's face.

"How are you?" Cassie whispers

"Mad." Derek whispers back. "I don't know how to feel. I mean, she's- it can only mean there's hunters and- Plus, a kid was bit last night."

"So there's hunters, a rouge Alpha, and a clueless Beta."

"Welcome to Beacon Hills." Derek mumbles.

Cassie snorts at that.

"You have to help the new Beta though. No matter what."

"I know. I know. Even if he's an annoying little-"

"Daddy! Mommy!" Jason exclaims, running into the room and jumping on the bed.

"Hey Bud!" Derek says.

Jason climbs under the covers and says,

"Aunty wasn't in her room."

Swallowing, Derek shares a look with Cassie. She nods.

"Jay, remember how daddy and I told you what happened to our families?" Cassie asks.

"Ya. You said that they aren't here anymore but in a better place."

"Ya, well." Derek starts, tears threatening to spill. "Aunty's with them now."

"So, she's with her mommy and daddy."

"Ya, her mommy and daddy." Derek says, smiling a little.

"How bout you go get ready for school?" Cassie suggests, changing the subject.



"No school."

"Yes school. And daddy's going to bring you while mommy goes to work."

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