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Cassidy sits at the nursing station and watches the teen who is laying on the stairs. Stiles hasn't been home since the night Derek became Alpha. He's been at the hospital everyday with the hurt Lydia.

The teen soon awakes and leaves to go wherever. Cassidy is typing a patients record into the computer when a scream is heard throughout the hospital.

Cassie, Melissa, Lydia's father, and Stiles rush into the room and bathroom to see Lydia nowhere in sight.


Derek stands and watches as a backhoe falls into an open grave. The teen who was operating it falls into the grave and wipes his cheek.

Derek walks towards the backhoe and lifts it upright. He crouches on the edge of the grave and says to kid,

"Need a hand?"

The teen sighs in relief.


Cassidy helps Jason do his math homework at the table while Derek makes breakfast

"21 + 22 is..."

"43?" Jason asks.

"Yes. So 43 - 21 is..."


"Yes. Look! You're smarter than your father!"

"Hey." Derek says, placing Cassie's and Jason's food in front of them than sitting himself.

Jason laughs.

"So, you bring little man to school?" Cassie asks.

"Sure. Than I have that thing to check on."

"The teen thing?"

"The teen thing."

"I hope he says yes."

"Who says yes." Japan asks, mouth full of food.

"Mouth closed." Cassie scolds.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Derek asks.

"No, I have to be there for... Shit- I mean crap!" Cassie stands and kisses Derek's cheek. She than kisses the top of Jason's head.

"Bye boys. Love you."

"Me too." They both respond.

Once Cassie is gone, Derek says to Jason. "Want whip cream?"

"But mom-"

"Mom left."

The little kids eyes widen. "Yes!"


Derek knocks on the boys bathroom stall, knowing Jackson is in there.

"I'll be right out." Jackson says.

Derek knocks again.

"I'm fine Danny. Go back to class."

Derek knocks harder.

"I said I'm-"

Jackson is cut off as Derek yanks him out of the stall and pushes him against the sinks.

"You okay Jackosn? You're looking a little pale." Derek says.

"I'm fine." Jackson says.

"If there's something wrong, you need to tell me. You're with me now."

"I'm... With you. Just because you gave me 'the bite' doesn't mean I'm going to join you and McCall to howl at the moon."

Derek mockingly smiles than furrows his eyebrows. He pulls Jackson's head to the side so he can see his ear in the mirror.

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