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Derek and Isaac enter the animal clinic.

"What's he doing here?" Scott asks, referring to Isaac.

"I need him." Derek responds.

"I don't trust him."

"Ya, well he doesn't trust you either." Isaac says.

"And Derek really doesn't care." Derek says.

"Now where's the vet. Is he gonna help us or not?" Derek asks, getting back on subject.

"That depends." Deaton says, stepping into the room. "Your friend Jackson, are we planning to kill him, or save him?"

"Save him." Scott says. At the same time, Derek says,

"Kill him."

"Save him," Scott says to Derek.

Derek shows a defeated face.

"Save him." Scott says to Deaton.

Deaton nods than motions for the three to follow him.

Deaton puts down glass containers, each containing something different. Isaac goes to grab something but Derek grabs his wrist and yanks it back.

"Watch what you touch." Derek tells him.

"So," Isaac begins. "What are you? Some kind of witch."

"No, I'm a veterinarian." Deaton answers.

"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's gonna be an affective defense against a paralytic toxin." Deaton explain.

"We're open to suggests." Derek says.

"What about an affective offense?" Isaac asks.

"We already tried. I nearly took its head off and Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up." Derek says.

"Has it shown any sign of weakness?" Deaton asks.

"One: it can't swim." Derek answers.

"Does that go for Jackson as well?

"No," Scott answers. "He's the captain of the swim team."

"Essentially, you're trying to catch two people." Deaton holds up a coin. "A puppet and a puppeteer."

He places it down on the operating table than says,

"One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?"

"I don't think Jackson could do it." Scott says. "His mother died pregnant too. She was maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let what happened to him to someone else."

"How do you know it's not part of the rules?" Isaac asks. "The Kanima kills murderers. If, Jackson kills the wife, than the baby dies too."

"Does that mean your father was a murderer?"

"Wouldn't surprise me if he was."

"Hold on." Deaton says. "The book says they're bonded right?"

Derek nods.

"What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson but the person controlling him...What if something that effects the Kanima," he than sprinkles mountain ash around the coin while saying, "also effects it's master."

"Meaning what?" Isaac asks.

"Meaning we can catch them." Scott says. "Both of them."


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