Pack Mentality

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Cassie walks alongside Melissa, telling her about the time Derek broke her nose.

"Wait, so he threw the basketball at your face?" Melissa asks.

"No, well, ya, kind of. He passed it to me really hard and I wasn't looking so I got hit."

"Did he apologize."

"Oh yeah. Bought me dinner and everything."

"Is that when you guys started dating."

"No... We started dating after the fire."

"Can I ask why?"

Cassie stops and ponders that moment.


"God! Derek! Why do you have such a thick skull?!" Seventeen year old Cassie yells.

"Why are you such a Bitch!" Seventeen year old Derek yells back.

"Excuse me!?"

"You heard me. "

"Are you that conceited!? She's using you dumbass! She's a freaking Argent! Your relationship is just a game of cards for her."

"Bullshit! You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just jealous that I have someone while you have no one, not even a family."

Cassidy brings her hand up and punches Derek across the face. Derek's head moves to the side due to the blow and he closes his eyes, clenching his jaw. When he turns back, his eyes flash blue and he feels his canines elongate.

"Go to hell you son of a- wait, Talia's not a bitch, that's me."

Cassie goes to turn but Derek reaches out, grabbing her arm. Cassie looks down to see his claws grown and her eyes widen. Before anything can happen, Laura comes out of nowhere and grabs Derek, pulling him back.

"Derek!" She yells, looking him in the eye. "Alpha. Beta. Omega. Say it."

Derek growls, his while face beginning to shift.

"Cassie, get out of here. Go get my mom." Laura commands.

Cassie runs and does what Laura says.

(End Flashback)

"Because before it, we had a rough patch. " Cassie concluded.

"Ohh. I've had those before."


Derek watches as a cop car pulls up to the Hale House. A cop tentatively approaches the house. Derek looks to see a dog in the back. He glows his eyes, causing the dog to go bezerk. The cop gives in to the dog and leaves.

Scott soon approached the house.

"I know you can hear me." He says. "I need your help."

Derek walks down the stairs and out the front door to meet Scott on the porch.

"Okay." Scott starts. "I know I was part of you getting arrested and that we basically announced you being here to the hunters. I also don't know what happened to your sister. But I think I did something last night.

I had a dream about... someone, but someone else got hurt. And it turns out that that part of the dream might've actually happened."

"You think you attacked the driver?" Derek asks.

"Did you see what I did last night."


"Can you at least tell me the truth. Am I gonna hurt someone?"

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