Lunar Ellipse

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Derek is sitting with his back to the wall, Jason sitting on his right. Cora brings a bottle of water up to his lips.

"You're okay!" He exclaims, his voice weak.

Cora smiles. "I'm doing much better than you are right now! And all because of you.

Peter is standing with his back to the table, resting his hands on it. "Hopefully not all for nothing. The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red, and there is a fully-charged Alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours." Derek states."I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have."


Argent looks down to his hand, looking at the emitter.

"Still working?" Cassidy asks.

" Yeah, but not for much longer." Argent answers.

"Anyone else feeling an unbearable itch they can't scratch?" Melissa asks, looking at those around her.

"Mel, I have had to pee for so long, I'm pretty sure I peed myself." Cassidy exclaims, resting her head on her hands.

Melissa shakes her head and Stilinski adds. "Now that you said something, yes, I do."

"Is she actually gonna come down here and slash all of our throats?" Melissa anxiously asks.

"Nah." Stilniski starts. "She'll come down and strangle us with a garrote, and then slash our throats."

"Actually I'm here as leverage for Derek apparently." Cassidy inputs.

"Just the wind." Argent states.


Ethan and Lydia stand in the center of the loft, trying to get Derek to see reason. The two teens stand next to each other, facing Derek who has Jason in front of hand and rests his hands on his sons shoulders. Peter is off to the side, watching the interaction.

"We know about the lunar ellipse." Ethan says. "So don't think Kali's going to sit around, waiting for it to level out the playing field. She's coming. My brothers coming with her."

"Good enough for me." Peter says, turning to his nephew. "Derek."

"You want me to run?" He asks, squeezing his sons shoulders.

"No, I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an Alpha with a psychotic foot fetish. Of course I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way out of this town." Peter exclaims.

"If you wanna fight and die for something, that's fine with me." Cora starts. "But do it for something meaningful."

Peter says, looking at Lydia. He walks a little closer to her and says, "Lydia, tell us what you feel right now." 

"I feel like...I'm standing in a graveyard."

Peter raises his arms in exasperation, as if his point is proven.

"I'm not leaving." Derek states, everyone looking at him, not understanding why. "But I know I can't fight Kali and win. This isn't my priority... Cassidy is."

Hearing his mom's name, Jason looks up at his dad, to which he squeezes his son's shoulders.

"I have a plan." Jason coughs. "Sorry, we have a plan... Are you guys willing to listen?"

The two teens and two Hales all share a look, not understanding what the plan may be.

"Jason pointed out I needed to do the one thing I haven't since I've moved back. Trust Scott." Derek states.

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