Book 2 - Chapter 19

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Sam was lost in her thoughts.

Dying was different than she'd imagined it would be, and becoming immortal hadn't been as simple either.

She always assumed that she'd die and that would be the end of it. She didn't believe in the afterlife. She knew too much about the way the universe worked to believe that there was a separate plain simply for the dead.

Of course, she did know about Limbo, but that was just because of what Jack had told her. Even so, Jack was the only Ghost there was. She'd never been to Limbo, so she didn't know what it looked like. She didn't know if there were other Ghosts there or not. And if there were, why was it that Jack was the only one to walk between dimensions?

When Sam had died, there had been nothing. No afterlife, no existence, there was just nothing. At least, that was what she remembered of her death.

And after she'd come back . . . it was like she was here, but at the same time she wasn't. It was like her consciousness was living in a pocket at the back of her mind, in a world of her own creation. It had been strange. While she was there, she felt something else, like a second consciousness living in her mind, fighting for control of the body, pushing Sam to the very back of her own subconscious, trying to completely take over.

Ever since Sam had woken up properly, she'd been probing. Projecting psychic energy, the way she would into someone else's mind, into her own. Searching for something that didn't belong. What worried her was the fact that she found nothing . . . even though she knew that there was something there.

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