Book 2 - Chapter 20

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Jamie watched Sam intently. "Does anyone else notice that she keeps doing that?" he asked. Sam didn't seem to hear him, and if she did she didn't speak or move.

"She's adjusting," Jack said, barely glancing in Sam's direction. "It might take a few days for her to be back to normal."

"I wonder what she's thinking," Jade said. "What was in her head when you went in?"

"Uh . . . " Jamie turned to look at her. "It was strange. It was like she made a little world in there, and when I went in she was sitting on the cliffs and there was this ancient city—"

"That would be the Witches' Kingdom," Jack intervened.

"So it actually was there?" Jamie asked, his voice sounding as surprised as he felt. He hadn't truly believed any of the things that Sam had told him about it. It wasn't that he didn't think Sam was a reliable source, if she had been conscious when she'd said it he would have had no problem believing every word she spoke. But they had been inside her subconscious, a place fuelled entirely by her imagination.

"Is . . . " Jack said. "It is there, but . . . not. Didn't Sam explain how dimensions work?"

"Sam did what?" Sam said, the sound of her name being called snapping her out of her trance.

"You never taught him about dimensions," Danny said. "You're a sloppy tutor."

"I brought him to Tír na nÓg . . . " she said to Jack, completely ignoring Danny. "That counts, right?"

"Did you explain how it worked?" Jack asked. "Them being there and us being here."

" . . . no."

Jack laughed. "Then it doesn't count."

Sam sighed tiredly. "We live in a universe, and in this universe there are a bazillion dimensions. Tír na nÓg is one of them—"

"Vampire Kingdom," Jack interrupted. "Limbo, The Underworld, The Witches' Kingdom, even my home is in an alternate dimension."

"Why is everyone in separate dimensions?" Jamie asked.

"That could take a while to explain," Sam stated.

"Three Witches went insane for power and fucked up the universe because they wanted all of the power," Jade said simply.

Jack smiled. "Or Jade could summarise an entire millennia into one sentence . . . Tell us about the Romans?"

"Some guy went insane for power and killed a shit load of people to take their countries so that he could have all of the power."

"You should write books . . . " Jack said with a ridiculously serious expression. "History as told by Jade."

"Plot twist, the Romans and the Witches go to war with each other . . . everybody dies in the end, nobody wins the power."

"Okay," Jamie muttered, thinking to himself for a moment. It made sense when he thought on it; if he were living in a world that had been taken over by a power hungry dictator he would probably want to move elsewhere too. "By the way," he said, turning to Sam. "I forgot to ask, what were you screaming about?"

"She wasn't conscious Jamie," Jack said.

Sam looked in his direction for a moment, then back to Jamie. "I had a bad dream," she said. "It was pretty freaky. I was in the library, and then I got jumped by a Shadow and it made me kill myself. And there were people around who were chanting at it."

"You went crazy over that?" Danny asked.

"You try having a vivid dream where you get a knife to the heart!"

"But you weren't conscious enough to have a dream," Jack said, wearing an expression of utter confusion.

Sam shrugged. "Obviously I was, since I had one."

Jamie had no idea if it was possible for Sam to have dreams in the psychological state she had been in. So he did what he always did when he wasn't sure, he scanned Jack's expression for indicators that what Sam was saying could have been possible.

When he found Sam she had been embedded so deeply in her own subconscious that she thought where she was, was real. He didn't think that being that far inside her own head she would have been capable of dreaming and having physical reactions while still unconscious.

Andfrom the expression on Jack's face, it was clear that he wasn't the only onewho thought that there was something more going on.

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