Endgame: Chapter 07

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Back at the Avengers Compound they soon joined by the others returning from their own journeys. Everyone looks around to see they have all recovered their stones. "Did we get them all?" Bruce asks. "You telling me this actually worked?" Asked Rhodey. Then there is a sudden pause. Everyone seems to realize that there is someone missing. "Clint, where's Nat?" Asks Bruce. Clint doesn't say anything. The silence tells everyone what they need to know. Sadness overtakes everyone, as Bruce falls to his knees and pounds the floor in grief. Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, and Bruce are all outside by the lakeside, muring for their fallen teammate and friend.

Vanessa sits on her own further away from them, mourning for her friend. Natasha was one of Vanessa's only friends. She had trained Vanessa, gifted her both of her suits and her daggers. She wasn't just her friend she was like Vanessa's sister. And now she was gone. Vanessa's hands slightly glowed blue as she tried to summon Natasha, but it was of no use. She wasn't in The Void, she had moved on. Found her peace. "I didn't even get to say goodbye," Vanessa says, mostly to herself. Suddenly she feels a cold figure take a seat next to her. "I don't even get to say thank you or how much I appreciated everything she did for me" she continued as tears rolled down her face. "She knew. I'm sure she knew" Jason says. "GO GRAB YOUR HAMMER, AND YOU GO FLY AND TALK TO HIM!" Vanessa hears Clint yell. Vanessa stands up and walks back inside to the Avenger's Lab.

A couple of minutes later Tony, Steve, Thor, Bruce, and Clint walk back into the lab. Vanessa watches as Tony carefully places the stones in the gauntlet. Tony manipulates the nation and carefully places all 6 stones. "Boom!" Rocket exclaimed, making Tony and Bruce jump. "All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" Everybody begins to argue about who is going to wear the glove. Thor wants to wear it because he wants to prove that he is still able to do some good. Plus he believes that he is the strongest one out of everyone, therefore he can handle the radiation. Others don't believe it should be him because he is not in the right mental condition. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that it's going to be Bruce that wears the gauntlet because it's mostly gamma radiation emitting from the gauntlet.

Everyone gets ready and suits up. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol. Will you?" Orders Tony. "Yes, boss," says the A.I. The Avenger's facility goes into lockdown as Bruce puts on the gauntlet. It expands to fit his hand, but the power surge overwhelms him as soon as it's on. He grunts in pain as Thor yells, "Take it off! Take it off!" "No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" asks Steve. "Talk to me Banner," says Tony. "I'm okay. I'm okay" Bruce says. 

"Vanessa this might be a very bad time to tell you that Nebula is opening the Quantum Tunnel," Jason says to Vanessa. "What!?" Vanessa exclaims. Bruce screams as he fights through the pain his body is in due to the gauntlet. He manages to snap his fingers just as he faints and the gauntlet slides off his arm. "Bruce!" Yells Steve. "Don't move him" says Tony. Scott moves towards the window and sees plants and birds. Clint hears his phone ringing and sees it's his wife. "Guy we have a problem," says Vanessa. They all turn to look at her, "Nebula might've just gone rogue as she just opened the Quantum Tunnel." Everyone looks around the room and sees that Nebula is indeed not with them. At that same moment, Bruce opens his eyes and sees the Sanctuary II in the sky. A single missile is heading towards the base. Then a continuous array of missiles destroy the base, sinking everyone underground.

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