The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: Chapter 22

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A dark figure approached the spot where Vanessa lay. The figure pulled back her cloak to reveal a beautiful pale-skinned woman with long black hair, and dark black eyes. The woman carefully reached towards Vanessa and caressed her pale skin with the utmost delicacy, as if afraid to hurt her. The woman continued to admire the lifeless body in front of her before she placed her hand over her heart. A blue light emitted from her hands and a bright blue figure appeared in front of her.

Vanessa slowly opened her eyes, a familiar figure she hadn't seen in years come into view. "Mom?" she asked, staring at the woman standing before her. It was at that moment when Vanessa looked around seeing her lifeless body on the floor. "My beautiful girl, it's okay," the woman said, hugging Vanessa tightly, "Everything is going to be alright." Vanessa continued looking at herself on the floor, she held up her hands in front of her, "I'm dead?" The woman nodded, waiting for any reaction from Vanessa, one that never came. The only thing that appeared in Vanessa's face was confusion. "Dabria was going on? Why are you here? I was never able to see you when I was alive but you're here" Vanessa said.

When she looked around she saw that everything still looked the same. It was how everything had looked when she'd conducted the Seance to talk to her biological mother. Limbo. "You couldn't see me when you were alive" Dabria began, "Because nobody can see death." Vanessa looked at her confused, "What are you talking about? I lived with you for years when I was younger." "You lived with the fraction of me that roams the earth, collecting dead souls. But the longer I stayed with you the worse you got because no one is supposed to live with death" Dabria explained. "I lived with the Grim Reaper," Vanessa said, stuck on the part that the woman whom she thought had been a sweet lady collected dead souls for a living. Dabria let out a chuckle, "I guess in a way."

Vanessa nodded but stayed silent. She took another look at her motionless body on the floor and she suddenly thought of her friends. About how they would feel once they discovered her dead body. "So what now, I just roam around here for the rest of eternity. Trying to find peace with my death or something" she asked, turning back to Dabria. "You can't stay here," the woman said, "You can't stay dead." "What? Why not?" "Because you can't die or well your soul can't die. You are only here because I brought you here, but you can't stay here for long."

Vanessa continued looking at Dabria as if she'd grown two heads, which at this point wouldn't really surprise her much. "So if I can't stay here, what am I supposed to do? That right there," she said pointing at her body in the real world, "Is my dead body. I'm dead." Vanessa stood in silence for a few seconds before she asked, "Can you bring me back to life?" Dabria looked away from Vanessa as she walked towards one of the big windows.

Outside people were gathering, it looked to Vanessa that the fight was over as she could see the news. "You have died twice in this body already. Once when you were five and again when you were fourteen. I kept an eye on you after that because each time I healed you and brought you back you came back stronger than before. The first time you were able to see the dead and interact with them. The second time you were able to give them a corporeal body and even step into this world" she said motioning the place around them. In no life have I ever brought you back a third time, there is no telling what is going to happen or what you will be able to do." "You mean to tell me that I have done this before?" Vanessa asked, "I died and reincarnated into another body?" "You've done this many times over. You've lived hundreds of lives before and you'll live hundreds more. It's what happens when you are the daughter of death, you can't die" Dabria explained, cupping Vanessa's face. Vanessa stood in shock hearing everything Dabria told her. "But I could possibly go back?" Vanessa asked. Dabria nodded. "What do you think would happen if I did go back?" "I have no idea. Every time I bring you back to life I transfer some of my infinite life force to you and with that some of my...talents. You'll never be as powerful as I am, but you will have some qualities that I do. For all I know you might be able to kill someone with a single kiss or decay plants with a single touch."

Vanessa's eyes widened as Darbia mentioned the 'kiss of death.' Not being able to ever kiss anyone in fear of killing them or hurting them. Was a life with no love really be one worth living? "I'll give you the choice as I always do. I can send you back to this body or place you in a new one. Begin a new life, hopefully with less pain. Because no matter what form you take in each life, I will always be there to protect you. You are my daughter, the only thing I truly care for."

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