Endgame: Chapter 09

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Vanessa is standing next to Wanda outside of Stark Cottage. Vanessa links her arms with Wanda and asks, "What are you going to do now?" Wanda lets out a long sigh, "I don't know. Before everything happened I was on the run for two years. Before that, I still didn't belong. I guess for now I'll figure things out as I go." "Why don't you come and stay in California with me, for a couple of weeks. I have an extra room you can stay in, all you have to do is maybe cook for me" Vanessa says, as Wanda lets out a laugh, "But seriously you don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you." "I would like that. Thank you" Wanda says.

Just then Pepper comes out of the house carrying a wreath with Tony's first Arc Reactor. 'Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart' it reads. Pepper, Morgan, Happy Hogan, & Rhodey, all turn to see that they are being joined by Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, May Parker, Thor, Bruce Banner, Doctor Strange, Wong, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Peter Quill, Nebula, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Mantis, T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, Clint Barton & his family, Wanda Maximoff, Vanessa Rodriguez, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Harley Keener, Secretary Ross, Maria Hill, Carol Danvers, and Nick Fury, silently watching the wreath float away.

Wanda moved to join Clint who's standing by the riverside. Vanessa moves over to the tree line when she sees Jason standing by one of the trees. "You're being rather quiet," Vanessa says. Jason smiles sadly, trying to find the right words to say what he's been holding back. "Nes it's time," Jason says. Jason watches as Vanessa's face changes from confusion to realization, "Oh" it's all she could say. She nods her head and blinks her eyes multiple times trying to get rid of the tears in her eyes. "I held on to the living because of you, because I didn't want you to be alone. I look around now and I see you are not alone anymore. You've found your place in this world. Don't cry please" he said, as he took a hold of her hands. 

With one of his hands, he wiped the tears that were rolling down Vanessa's face. "It's okay Nes. I died 20 years ago. All that time with you has been a gift, but I'm ready to see my family again." "I'm sorry for holding you back," Vanessa told him. Jason shook his head and said, "No, that was my choice. You didn't force me to do anything. It's okay, you'll be okay. Can I ask you for something?" He asks. Vanessa nods her head. "Can you hug me as I go?" Vanessa doesn't even answer him as she tightly holds on to him. His entire body started glowing blue, a final transfer of energy to him. Then slowly he started to disintegrate until Vanessa was left hugging the air.

Vanessa stands there for a minute hugging herself and silently crying. Jason Hayes died at the age of 5, along with his entire family. For 20 years Vanessa was able to see him when nobody else could. She never grieved him because he was always there for her. But now he was truly gone. Now it was as if he had died all over again. After a couple more minutes, Vanessa wipes the tears from her face and walks back to where she was previously standing.

Sam walks up to Vanessa after noticing that his eyes are a bit redder than they were before. "Are you alright?" He asks. Vanessa looks over at him and smiles, "I'm fine." "You remind me of my sister you know. She says the same thing. Even if she's drowning in problems, refuses to ask for help" Sam says as he motions for her to take a seat on a bench. "Just a bit sad, that's all. I really am fine Sam or a least I will be" Vanessa says. She knew she was being selfish, making it about herself while everyone was grieving Tony. "Thank you, Sam. I should get going it's a long way home. Here," she says, as she hands him a piece of paper, "If you're ever in town or you just want to talk. Come visit me or call." Vanessa stands up and hugs Sam.

Vanessa walks off to where Wanda is standing and together they leave for the airport. Meanwhile, Sam stays behind to wait for Steve. He looks over to where Bucky is standing and notices that he is looking after Vanessa. "You're staring again man. Stop being so creepy. If you like her ask her out" he teases. "I don't" Bucky claims, "She's just... odd." "Sure whatever you say."

Soon Vanessa along with Wanda arrive in California, where Vanessa picks up her car from the garage. "What's with these books?" Wanda asks, pointing to the books she'd bought before having to leave for New York. "I have a bit of a problem with buying books," she says with a shoulder shrug, "We're here. It's not as fancy as the Avengers Compound, but it's home." Wanda smiled sadly at the word. She knew that this could never be her home. For now, it served as a temporary place, until she could figure out what to do. "Home."

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