The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: Chapter 24

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All of those who knew Vanessa, more importantly, those who had gotten to know her, took her death differently. Sam and Sarah, her chosen family, both focused all their attention on their work. They didn't want to believe that she was really gone. That they didn't get to say their goodbyes. Sam had to be the one to tell Sarah and his nephews what had happened to Vanessa. Together he and Sarah planned the funeral, as they knew that nobody else would.

Bucky on the other hand grieved in silence, locked away in his small apartment. He blamed himself, replaying the night over and over. Thinking of all the things he could've done differently. Maybe if he would've found her earlier she would've had a fighting chance at survival. His nightmares nowadays consisted of her telling him that she was dead because of him. And even though now more than ever he needed a therapist he had still let Dr. Reynor go. He couldn't stand to talk about how he felt about Vanessa's death. Not yet, anyway.

And so little by little, day by day everyone who knew and loved Vanessa began to move forward. "It's what she would've wanted," Sarah said one day. "She also would've wanted a party," Sam said, remembering a conversation they once had, "For what reason I don't understand but it's something that she would've enjoyed." And so they did. They threw a party or more like a get-together in her honor. They laughed, they danced, they played music, and told jokes. And at that moment Sam understood why Vanessa wanted a party after her death. Not only to celebrate the life she lived but to remind everyone of all the good things that they still had. To get those who were in pain to smile and laugh even if it was just for a little while.

And so as Sam and Bucky both looked towards the setting sun, they both smiled even with the tears in their eyes. A genuine smile that felt like everything was going to be alright, that they would be alright. They smiled because they knew, in a way she got a happy ending away from all the pain that this world brought her. A happy ending fit for The Seance. 


In a place and time far away, the cries of a newborn were heard throughout the room. "это девушка (It's a girl)" said the midwife. The instant groaning of a man was the next thing that was heard. "Ты даже в этом не разбираешься. Не могу даже дать мне мальчика (You are not even good at that. Can't even give me a boy)" the man said storming out of the room. "как ее будут звать? (what will be her name?)" the midwife asked. "Надя. Надя Иванова (Nadya. Nadya Ivanova)."

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