The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: Chapter 03

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EP 2:

Vanessa sat in the passenger seat of Sam's truck as he drove them to the military base. She was watching the big performance that they were putting on for the so-called 'New Captain America.' "This seems like the kind of interview they would give someone who just won Miss America. Why are they putting on such a big show?" Vanessa asked. "They want people to accept him, they are showing him off" Sam answers.

"Did you know Steve Rogers?" The interviewer asks. "I was two years out of West Point when Steve come back on the scene. I followed his career very closely as an Avenger. I like to think that I modeled my work after his" explained Walker. "So you've always wanted to be a hero?" Asked the interviewer. "I liked that what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was the kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope. Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother." Vanessa turns the video off at the moment not being able to watch any more of it. "I don't like this guy," she suddenly states, "He sounds like a fucking douchebag."

Vanessa and Sam arrive at the military base where they stop to look at a poster on the wall. 'CAP IS BACK' it reads. "Seems like a good guy," Torres says, "You met him?" "No." Vanessa turned towards the young man and extends her hand, "Nice to met you in person." "You too," he says. Both Sam and Torres begin to walk away, while Vanessa stays behind and continues to look at the poster. She quickly looks around to make sure nobody is looking and then tears the new poster down, and walks away with a smile.

"Shouldn't have given up the shield" someone yells. Vanessa turns and finds Bucky walking up to Sam. "Good to see you too, Buck." Vanessa slowly walks down the stairs, not wanting to be a part of whatever is going on with them. She walks a few feet behind when she hears Bucky say, "You had no right to give up the shield, Sam." "Hey, buddy you need to back off okay," she tells him. "Hey. This is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my right. It's over Bucky. Besides, we" Sam says, referring to Vanessa and him, "have bigger things to deal with now." "What could be bigger than this?" Bucky asks.

Sam pulls out his phone and shows Bucky an image of the man who attacked Torres, "This guy. His connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe, and he's strong." "Too strong" Vanessa adds. "And?" "Well, he's been connected to this online called the Flag Smashers. Now, Redwing traced them to a building somewhere outside of Munich. So that's where we're going" Sam finishes. "Well, I don't trust Redwing. Hold on a minute" Bucky says. "You don't have to trust Redwing, but we're gonna go see if he's right. 'Cause I have a feeling they might be a part of the Big Three" explains Sam.

Bucky looks as confused as Vanessa by Sam's words, "What 'Big Three'?" "The Big Three." "What Big Three?" "Androids, aliens, and wizards," Sam says. "That's not a thing" argues Bucky. "That's definitely a thing." "No, it's not." "Every time we fight, it's one of the three" Sam says. "Who are you fighting now, Gandalf?" "How do you know about Gandalf?" Sam asks. "I read The Hobbit in 1937 when it first came out." 

"Jesus man, how old are you?" Vanessa asks more to herself, but they still hear. "So you see my point?" "No, I don't. There are no wizards" Bucky says. "Doctor Strange." "Is a sorcerer." "Aah!" Sam chuckles as if he's just proven his point, "a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat. Think about it. Right?" "No, a sorcerer is a wizard without a wand," Vanessa says, as both men turn to look at her, "Harry Potter? No? You know what I'll wait on the plane. Ay yo, Torres wait up."


Vanessa changed into her suit as they got closer to Munich Germany. It was at this point that she really regretted cutting her hair so short, as she wasn't able to grab it up. Meaning that it was flying all over her face. She stood in front of the mirror braiding two small braids in the middle of her hair. Just before she left the bathroom, she summoned a familiar ghost. "What's up? Woah where are you?" Nate asked. "Where have you been man. You haven't shown up in weeks. I think this is the longest I've gone without you visiting." 

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