Chapter 2: Birthday!

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Ian walked down the stairs and saw his mom doing a work out on the TV.

"Alright. We're gonna get Warrior Z90 fit. Let me hear you say, "I am a mighty warrior!""
The TV spoke.

"I am a mighty warrior." His mom replied.

"Morning mom!" Ian called out.

At that moment, the door bell rang. Ian walked over and pulled it open revealing a beautiful elf girl with (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. This was Ian's childhood best friend (and secret crush), (Y/n).

"Happy Birthday Ian!" She yelled blowing a party horn and throwing confetti in his face.

"Heh, thanks (Y/n)." Ian said.

He invited her in and she pulled out a present from her book bag and handed it to him.

He opened it up to find a drawing of a portrait (Y/n) had drawn of her and Ian as little kids. Ian was giving (Y/n) a piggy back ride.

"Wow! Thanks (Y/n). I love it." He said. She gave him a hug and whispered 'Happy Birthday!' In his ear, making him blush.

"Morning Miss Laurel!" (Y/n) called out to Ian's mom. Upon hearing her voice, a dragon ran from the kitchen and jumped on the two teens.

"Oh! Blazey, down!" Laurel said, turning off the TV and grabbing a spray bottle. She sprayed the dragon with water trying to get him off of Ian.

"Bad dragon! Back to your lair." She said, finally Blazey got off of Ian and scurried away. "Sorry sweetie." Laurel apologized.

"Oh, that's ok." She replied.

Ian stood up and held his hand out for (Y/n) to help her up. She grabbed it and pulled her to her feet.

"Happy birthday Mr. Adult Man." Laurel said, walking over to Ian, grabbing his face and attacking him with kisses.

"No, mom." Ian whined, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of (Y/n). He wiped his sleeve across his face getting rid of the kisses.

"Hey, buddy. Don't wipe of my kisses." She playfully scolded before gasping.

"What?" Ian asked.

"You're wearing your dad's sweatshirt." She noticed.

"Oh. You know. Finally fits." Ian said, nonchalantly.

"Aw, my little chubby cheeks is all grown up!" His mom cooed, reaching for his face.

"Okay, okay. Mom, I gotta eat something before school." Ian quickly said, jumping my out of his mom's reach. "Have you eaten yet?" He asked his best friend.

"No, I was in a rush to wish you a happy birthday, chubby cheeks." She teased.

"Shut up!" He said, lightly pushing her.

"You shut up!" She replied, punching him in the arm.

The two elves laughed as they entered the kitchen.

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