Chapter 11: Running From the Cops

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"Ian, (Y/n), look."

The two teens turned and saw Barley pointing up at something. On top of an arch that went over the bridge was a stone raven.

"It's a raven. The clue in the mountain said Raven's Point." Barley said.

"Yeah, in the mountains." Ian replied.

"But maybe the puzzle didn't mean the mountain. Maybe it means follow where the raven is pointing." Barley lined up with the ravens beak and looked ahead to see another raven statue. "Haha! It's another raven." He shouted triumphantly.

"So, you're saying these ravens will lead us to the gem?" (Y/n) asked.

"Exactly!" Barley said, pointing at her.

"I...I had us going the wrong way." Ian realized.

"Well I told you. My gut knows where to go. Don't you boy? Yes you do." Barley said to his stomach.

"Huh, what do you know?" (Y/n) nudged Ian.

"Come on dad. Guinevere will get us to that raven in no time." Barley said confidently.

Suddenly they heard sirens in the distance. They looked behind them and saw Officer Broncos car speeding across the bridge before stopping next to them.

"You guys, are in trouble, big time. You too, young lady." Colt said, climbing out of his car.

"No, no, no Colt. We found a spell. If we finish it before sunset, we'll get to see our father." Barley explained, taking off their dads top half.

"Ahh!" Colt yelled. "Well, uh, your mom told me there was some kind of strange family issue going on, and this is definitely strange. But, no, dang it. I'm not letting you upset your mother anymore. Now you get in the vehicle, I'm escorting you home." Colt commanded.

"No. No way." Barley said.

"I'm giving you to the count of three." Colt said, hitting his hoof against the ground twice.

"Okay, we'll go." Ian agreed.

"Ian?" (Y/n) said.

"He's a police officer." Ian defended.

Ian grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and pulled her into the van, Barley and their dad climbing in the back.

"What are you doing Ian?" (Y/n) asked.

"I don't know." Ian breathed, before he stepped on the gas and the van sped off.

"Son of a...! I need backup. Runaway van!" Colt said into his radio.


"Yeah! Iandore Lightfoot breaking the rules!" Barley shouted.

"I can't believe I'm running from the cops!" Ian exclaimed.

"You're not running from the cops, you're running from our mom's boyfriend." Barley reassured.

Suddenly, multiple cop cars appeared in front of them.

"Okay, now you're running from the cops."   (Y/n) said.

Ian swerved off the road and crossed a grassy field onto another road. Meanwhile, Barley was cheering and (Y/n) was laughing until they saw a sign that said the road was closed. Ian hit the brakes pulling the van to a stop. Ian tried to turn around, but the cops were closing in on them. They all hopped out of the van.

"Oh, what did I do? I shouldn't have driven away." Ian said.

"No, it was great." (Y/n) reassured.

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