Chapter 5: The Manticore's Tavern

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Barley started the van and played a tape labeled "Quest Mix". (Y/n) sat in the passenger seat and Ian was in the back with his dad. The van exited New Mushroomtown on its way to the Manticore's Tavern.

"Anyway, it's just, like, this award for math. It's no big deal. But I'll show you when we get back home." Ian told his dad.

"Hey, uh, what are you two Chatty Charlie's up to back there?" Barley asked.

"You know, I felt weird talking to Dad without a top half, so... ta-da!" Ian put a make shift torso on top of his dad's legs to make it seem like he had a complete body.

"Oh, that's great! Dad, you look just like I remember. Hey, don't worry, we'll have the rest of you here before you know it." Barley reassured. "And then, first thing I'm gonna do, is introduce you to Guinevere. Rebuilt this old girl myself, from the lug nuts to the air conditioning."

Barley turned the air conditioning on which created a giant blast of air. Ian turned it off.

"Showing Dad your van? That's your whole list?" Ian asked.

"What list?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm just working on a list of things I wanted to do with dad. You catch, take a walk, driving lesson, share my whole life story with him." Ian said, skipping over the one that said "get advice on asking (Y/n) out".

"That's cool." (Y/n) complimented.

"Oh. But before you cast dad's spell again, you're gonna have to practice your magic." He said tossing him a book.

"This book is for a game." Ian sighed.

"I told you, everything in Quests of Yore is historically accurate. Even the spells. So start practicing young sorcerer." Barley commanded, handing Ian his staff.

"Okay, Dad. Let's try some magic." Ian said.


Back at their house, Laurel came home from getting Ian's cake, and was walking up the stairs.

"Hey, sweetie? Ugh! Blazey. Oh, this dragon is always under my feet." She complained, when Blazey almost tripped her. "Honey, you want some cake?" She paused when she saw a note on Ian's door.

"Mom, be back with mind blowing surprise!"

She opened Ian's door and saw how messy it was. She picked up Ian's cracked phone, and walked over to his desk where she saw the cards with the Manticore's Tavern and Phoenix Gem on them. She put two and two together and grabbed her keys and started driving to the tavern.


Back in the van, Ian was trying to do a levitation spell on a can of soda.

"Aloft Elevar. Aloft Elevar. I can't get this levitation spell to work." He complained. "Maybe I could try something else like Arcane Lightning?"

"Yeah, like a level one mage could bust out the hardest spell in the Enchanters Guide Book." Barley scoffed. "Maybe we'll stick with the easy ones."

"Yeah, well, it's not working." Ian said.

"Maybe you're saying it wrong?" (Y/n) suggested.

"No, he said it right. It just, for any spell to work, you have to speak form your heart's fire." Barley explained.

"My what?" Ian asked.

"Your heart's fire. You must speak with passion. Don't hold back." Barley explained.

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