Chapter 14: The Battle

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The dragon eyes the gem in Barley's hand and started to advance towards him.

"Barley, (Y/n), run!" Ian shouted.

Barley quickly hopped off the fountain, and he and (Y/n) started running away from the giant stone dragon.

"What do you want? The gem? Fine, take it!" Barley yelled throwing it bro the bushes. The dragon went after the gem, and (Y/n) and Barley ran towards Ian and their dad.

"Haha!" Barley yelled, pulling the Phoenix Gem out from his jacket. The 'gem' he threw into the bushes was actually the piece of Guinevere that he had saved.

The dragon had figured this out and became angry. It sent a blast of fire between Barley and (Y/n) and Ian and their dad. The dragon suddenly launched at Ian, but was then hit with  something causing it to be knocked on its side.

Corey and Laurel came swooping in. Corey brandished her sword at let out a mighty roar.

"The Manticore!" Barley shouted happily.

"Mom?" Ian asked surprisingly.

"It's okay boys, we'll take care...woah, you're tilting, you're tilting!"

"Mom!" Ian shouted.

"Go see your father!" She called to them.

"It's okay, if they stab the beasts' core with that sword, the curse will be broken." Barley explained. "Come on!"

The boys and (Y/n) ran off to cast the spell while Corey and Laurel kept it distracted. Corey managed to slice its wings off, and it fell to the ground.


"Barley, what I said before...I am so sorry." Ian apologized.

"There's no time, the sun is about to set!" Barley placed the gem into the staff.

"Only once is all we get, grant me this rebirth. Till tomorrow's sun has set, one day to walk the earth!"


"Time to crush a curse!" Corey swooped down and went to stab the dragons core, but she got hit with its tail last minute and they went crashing to the ground.

"Ooh, my back!" Corey winced.

Laurel looked up and saw that the dragon was heading towards the kids. She picked up the Curse Crusher and took her glasses off.

"I am a mighty warrior."

She charged forward and jumped on the dragons back. She looked down to where the dragons core is.

"I am a mighty warrior!" She cried. She stabbed the sword through the dragon hitting the core enough for it to freeze.

"Hurry! I can't hold this for long!" She called to them.


The Phoenix Gem started to float out of the staff and the force started pushing Ian back.

"No, no, no! Guys help!"

Barley and (Y/n) rushed forward and helped steady him until the gem stopped forcing them back and started to form their dad.


Meanwhile, Laurel could no longer keep the sword in place and was thrown off of it. She landed on the ground and the sword got buried in a pile of rubble.

"Kids! It's coming back!" She warned them.

"I'll go distract it." Barley volunteered.

"What? No! If you do that you'll miss dad." Ian reminded him.

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