Chapter 3: The New Me

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Ian and (Y/n) stopped at a restaurant called Burger Shire for some food. Ian and (Y/n) sat down on a bench waiting for Ian's order to be ready. A middle aged elf and his son were sitting next to them and the elf noticed Ian's sweatshirt.

"Hey! Go Griffins!" He said to them.

"What?" Ian asked him.

"You two go to Willowdale College?" He wondered.

"Oh, no. This was my dads." Ian explained.

The elf noticed the name on the sweatshirt.

"Lightfoot? Wilden Lightfoot?" He asked.

"Yeah." Ian confirmed.

"You're kidding. I went to college with him." The man said, excitedly.


"Yeah. Boy I was so sorry to hear that he passed away." He said sympathetically.

"Yeah. Thanks." Ian said.

"You know, your dad was a great guy. So confident. When he came into a room, people noticed." The elf explained with a laugh. "The man wore the ugliest purple socks every single day."

"Why?" (Y/n) asked.

"Hey thats exactly what we asked. But he was just bold. I always wished I had a bit of that in me." He complimented.

"Yeah. Wow. I've never heard any of this about him before." Ian confessed. (Y/n) placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and he looked at her and smiled. "What else do you remember?" Ian asked.

"Dad!" The elf's kid said, holding a bag of food.

"Oh, sorry. Gotta get this guy off to school. Hey, it was nice meeting you." He said holding it his hand.

"Yeah. You, too." Ian said shaking his hand.

"Huh. Bold." Ian said to himself.

"Come on Bold Lightfoot, let's get your food and head to school." (Y/n) joked playfully nudging his shoulder.


At the school, Ian and (Y/n) sat on a bench right across from it. Ian sipped his coffee while (Y/n) was drawing again. Ian pulled out a notebook and paper and started making a list.

New Me

◻️Speak up more

◻️Learn to drive

◻️Ask (Y/n) on a date

◻️Invite people to party


"Hey, we should probably head to class." (Y/n) told him.

Ian quickly closed the notebook not wanting her to see what he had written.

"O-Oh! Yeah, right." He stuttered. (Y/n) giggled at his behavior. Ian just stared at her for a moment, before she stood up and started walking to the building. Ian followed her, looking up at the school for a minute and taking a deep breath before heading in.


Ian walked into his class to see a ogre putting his sweaty feet on his chair. Ian walked over to him and decided to speak up.

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