Chapter 9

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Gulf, startled, moved back as soon as he felt Mew's lips . He looked around conscious of people around.

"Are you ok?" Mew asked after noticing how Gulf was uncomfortable.

"I thought you wanted this too?"

"I do," Gulf confidently answered but his confidence disappeared when he finished. "But not in front of all these people."

"It would've been awkward for you to reject me after flirting with me all this while." Mew was relieved.

"I was flirting with you?" Gulf feigned ignorance.

"Oh save it. All those touches and hugs you thought I didn't notice."

"Well it's great that we want the same thing."

"Yes it is." Mew asked for Gulf's hand

Gulf looked around hesitant.

"It's fine Nong, look," he pointed at a guy couple holding hands too. "It's ok. No one will mind I promise."

Gulf held Mew's hand awkwardly and they spent the rest of the afternoon eating snacks in the park and having fun. Mew wanted to drop Gulf off but Gulf insisted they go to Mew's house instead.

They stood outside his apartment door,

"You sure you don't want to come in?" Mew asked hoping Gulf would change his mind but,

"No I'll go hone to rest. It's been one active day."

"Right.  See you on Monday?"


Mew waited but Gulf didn't do anything. He stepped forward to kiss Gulf on the lips but Gulf made a gagging sound that had Mew stepping back.

"You ok? You feel like throwing up?"

"I've had too much junk food my stomach feels queasy." He said holding back the need to throw up.

"Do you want me to grab you some medicine?"

"I'll get some on my way. You go in and rest."

Mew moved to peck Gulf on the lips again but Gulf turned his head and Mew's lips landed on Gulf's cheeks.

He smiled sadly, "Goodnight Nong,"

"Goodnight Phi, thanks a lot of today."

"Sure thing."Mew responded and got in his room.

Gulf went straight home to pack.

Sunday morning, Gulf was locking his apartment and carrying his luggage back, hailing a taxi.

He arrived at the house and knocked on the door.

His father opened the door and was utterly shocked at seeing Gulf with a luggage bag

"Come in," he offered getting his bag and wheeling it in the house.

"What's wrong?" The father asked.

"I'm back." Gulf stated plainly

"What?" His father was not expecting it.

"I'm back home." Gulf repeated.

"Gulf, you didn't even tell me about this..."

"I didn't tell you when I left." Gulf reasoned.

"And it's been 6 years." His father reminded.

"Six years and you didn't even bother to look for me?" Now this talk was getting personal.

"I knew where'd you'd gone." His father notified him.

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