Chapter 27

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Chet and Atid walked in before Gulf would say anything. They exchanged greetings and after they settled Chet said,

"The principal wants a letter from the hospital so that you can defer this semester. He went on about how this is your first semester but you're already causing trouble. They think it's drug related problems that why you're not in school."

Donald came in,

"You guys beat me to it." He said showing off a doctor's letter. "I just got the letter and I'm going to submit it tomorrow at your school. Figured they might treat it differently if the father goes there in person."

Donald held Gulf's shoulder fondly. "Don't forget to eat your food. I bought that for you, did Queen tell you that?"

Gulf shook his head feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey you promised you were going to say it." Donald said to Quensly who winked and left.

Gulf's corner of his lips lifted but the smile wouldn't come out.

"I'll leave you guys. See you tomorrow son," he squeezed his shoulder and left.

"So we haven't had the chance to talk." Chet started sitting on the middle point of the bed and Atid sat right at the end of the hospital bed.


"It's hard isn't it?" Chet comforted.

"You could've told us. You could've shared your feelings with us. You didn't have to go through that alone."

Gulf kept quiet.

"Has phi been here?" Atid asked referring to Mew.

Gulf shook his head no.

"Your dad talked to him the day you came and he disappeared after that."

Gulf raised his head shocked. What did he say to him he was curious but he didn't ask. The friends talked about nothing after that. It was basically Chet asking Gulf and Atid answering since Gulf just kept quiet.

"Gulf, We're ok right?" Chet ended up asking.

Gulf hid his wrist.

Was it ok to have gay friends? Will they turn him gay too? Gulf started scratching his thigh even though it was covered with the hospital sheets.

Chet smiled sadly, "I understand." He got up awkwardly, "we'll get going. You can rest."

Gulf still didn't utter a word as the two friends left.

"You think he is ever going to accept it?" Atid asked as soon as they were out the door.

"That he is Gay?" Chet shook his head, "No, he is not strong enough to accept that. Remember he is an emotional mess."

"Then what about phi?" Atid asked again as they walked out of the hospital.

"I don't know." Chet was worried about Gulf, "But they won't get together that's one thing for sure. Everything gay related is associated with his mother and that's one thing he is not ready to let go. He'll rather let go of everyone gay but that's hard for him too."

The friends kept on talking as they left the premises.

The following day, Friday, Gulf woke up to being caressed and he felt uncomfortable. He had just been given some pain stop so he was feeling drowsy. He weakly snatched his hand away from whoever was trying to molest him.

Why was it warm? The hand was too warm for his liking. He tried to open his eyes but it felt like they were stuck shut. He fought so hard and when he succeeded, the light suddenly attacked his sensitive eyes.

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