Chapter 30

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One week of rejecting visits from everyone later, Gulf looked colorful sitting in Dr Vin's office; sipping some calming tea, his healing leg over the perfect one. He could fell the pain but he was enduring it.

"You look different," Dr Vin said as he sat down with his cup of tea.

"I saw you yesterday Dr," Gulf didn't look at the doctor.

"I know we've been meeting everyday but of all the times we met, today you're glowing. The self discovery journey must be going well."

"Too well if you ask me." Gulf replied with a proud smile,

"I'm proud of you Gulf, seriously I was worried when you came for your third consultation, was it Monday?"

Gulf nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Can we talk about it now?"

The smile disappeared.

"I know all week we talked about everything else and not that. We talked about finding what makes you happy. Happy habits, hobbies, interests etc and you surprisingly figured a few interesting activities. How has that been going for you?"

"I only knew how to work and study so it was quite exhilarating to do fun activities."

"What was your best activity."

"Playing video games."

"You made friends online?"

"I'm working on it. Since I'm playing it on my phone I don't have enough space and equipment for that, but I've been chatting with someone."

"A male or female friend?"

"Male friend."


"No, he is straight. So outspoken and friendly,"

"You got to be careful of strangers online you never know what you can meet. The internet is strange place."

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. We kinda connected because he had a familiar name?"

"Someone you recognized?"

"He used the name of our high school as his profile name and I recognized it right away. Asked him about it, turns out we're high school alumni."

"That's great. Are you sure it's not p'Mew? You guys went to the same school, right?"

"He wouldn't dare,"

"You never know. Moving on, what happened on Monday Gulf? All I got was your father came in and you were screaming at him on my notes. When we met Monday evening, you didn't want to talk about it and you cried all session. You were so out of it, can we talk about that now?" The doctor gently asked.

Gulf placed his cup on the table, "My father came to see me."

"What did he say?"

"He was angry I cut again after p'Mew visited."

"He wasn't worried?"

"He wasn't." Gulf chuckled, "He said all sorts of hurtful things and he was rubbing it in my face that p'Mew hasn't moved on."

"How did he know he hasn't moved on?"

"He confirmed it before he came to see me. He said p' still trembled when my father is close to him. He might have done something to p'Mew and he agreed to it that's why he was certain."

"What did you feel after hearing that?"

"Betrayal. They've betrayed my mother and I felt like I was going through what my mother went through. I was trying to make them apologize but they just..... they don't care at all. every single one of them is so selfish and I realized maybe I've been doing it wrong."

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