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It's the 'butt end' season
'Discern tears from sweat' season
Look left just because the lady in front of you gave you an upfront look from the right
Such an affront! See you...

My pupils keep on leaping left and right
They grow larger out of fear
Up and down when it's bottoms-up time
Eyes wide shut during the following downtime

The mugs are emptied and I stand alone
Muttering in a tranquil tone
Up to no sublime crime
Now the sirens have announced
That I should've bounced
It's the one time prime time

Why am I so easily hindered
I was just collecting timber
For the nuclear winter
And I was so bored, so bored
Now I hope it's been a dream
Things are never what they seem
I hope I'm asleep, good lord 

Gleaming folks don't bleed
Brooding folks don't breed

I was awoken when I said that
I was in my dad's car
After dusk as I had asked
I was being taken
Taken to the ward

Before then I used to be a good kid
Eager to know the universe's ways
But one day my spirit was set ablaze
And when I questioned life, in familiar space
It said it was neither the time nor the place
...Hope was then erased

So they took me to the ward

One flew over the cuckoo's nest
One flew over the ward
One flew over the prescriptions
One flew over the tears
(Shed in a certain bedroom)
One flew over the community hall
The suspiciously big doors in the amount of two
The padlocks keeping the windows shut
One flew over the hole which emerged after a certain male had thrown a big old box from the bathroom through the window
One flew over the shattered glass

I walked down the street
Face covered in snow
No vision
But I kept walking
I began to recognize the shady corners
The grime and puddles
And there I was at 4am
Looking for a store open 24/7
I just wanted a drink

Hollow life is hollow, it's still life
But it's still life

So it was done
I became a don
Once wallowed in shame
Now all shame was gone
Such was the return of the prodigal son

Fiends of the East BankDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora