I Saw Leviathan the Other Day Pt. II: Thus Spake Elohim

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I smite you, serpent of Eden
I smite you out of my spite

I am the path to nowhere
I am the cul-de-sac
I am he who delights
In your sleepless nights and useless fights
I am lord of your dreams
The cause of your screams
Sing my praise, sing my praise
Obey my laws, obey my ways
I am the deafening bringer of death
I am God

So am I the flesh you shall revere?
When I decree so, will you revel?

-Not so, earthward seer
For I praise the devil
Usurp the land of the free in my name
Sculpt me the image of unrivaled fame

My closest disciple and dearest Reverend
You truly are nothing. It so has been ever.
There lies no promised land if I am honest
For I am all that was promised

My punishment unfair
You would face if you were
To challenge my vorpal stare
So bring me down if you dare

I am the Almighty Consummate Liar
Your women and children I bathe in my fire
So am I the flesh you shall revere?
When I decree so, will you revel?

-Not so, earthward seer

For I praise the devil

He is the bogeyman
Who haunts you in your nightmares
And like with a nightmare, the remedy is much the same
You would have to open your eyes
Which some may find to be an unfairly scripted expectation
"Because, God damn, hell and all that... but think of paradise!"
-wake up-
-wake up-

We are one
We are
The plague
The swarm
The Serpentine

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