Visions from the Dark Side

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I did not enter through the gate
I arrived there in a hearse

I saw my friend from long ago
Wearing what he used to wear
He just stood there by the gate
And smiled wide open
Surrounded by friends
I walked toward him
And burst into tears
I knew, I knew
It was but a mirage
And that the visage before me
Was to die before I would
So I wept and watched
The face I was not prepared to meet

I floated round the church
On ethereal wings
And saw her, and forgot my name
Forgot how to breathe
I couldn't grin, I couldn't speak
I couldn't wave, that's not my thing
It's so easy to wave when you don't care
When you do though...
I went past her silently
Not for a second did she look
I shaped my hands into a heart
Then lifted my fists like antennae to heaven

I do not remember the third vision very well
I was fighting for my life
That much I know
And when I struck
The enemy would split into five instead
There was nowhere to run
For if I tried, the enemy would appear before me
And slay me
Bring me back to life
And slay again
I hardly approved thereof

I thought I was awake
Or waking up
Someone ordered me to leave
And head over to school
It was a Wednesday afternoon
I had a class in the morning
That was the second class in the course
And the second one I'd missed
It seemed oddly familiar
Because it was so unreal
I stepped beside my body
My eyes closed so as not to see the present calamity
My spirit said no and left

Then I spawned in my old high school
And was faced with the revelation
That my friend of old had died
I entered the building shaking
I was welcomed like a master
But they were celebrating
So I left and sought the tomb
But the once familiar area
Was familiar no more
It seemed desolate
As though withering


I sometimes cannot tell whether or not something is real
It all just feels like death to me
Less than always
More often than not

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