Chapter 19 Fight

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Crush On Mr. Bad Boy

Chapter 19 Fight

My blood ran cold, my breath got caught in my lungs and I felt all the blood drain from my face. Jaxon getting in a fight with Axel?! I knew they already had a problem before all this, but Jaxon's making the biggest mistake of his life.

What has gotten into him?! Axel will definitely beat the living shit out of him! I had to stop them. I crawled off the bed carefully and slid both of my feet on the floor. My foot was still in the foot cast and was aching painfully, but I ignored it.

I had to save Jaxon before he got the living shit beat out of him. Trent grabbed my forearm quickly, stopping me from getting up.

"Woah woah woah, what's the rush?" Trent said, still hanging onto my forearm.

"I have to go stop the fight!" I tried explaining.


"If I don't, Jaxon will probably get the living shit beat out of him!" I explained trying to peel his hand off my forearm.

But he still held on tightly to my arm. I tried shrugging it off, but he held on even tighter. No matter how I tried to peel his hand off my forearm, he wouldn't let go. Okay, I never wanted to play this way. But it was time to pull the sympathy card.

"Ow!" I complained in a whiny voice. "It hurts! Let go!"

Trent let go of my arm immediately as he looked at me apologetically. I turned to Dustin and gave him a 'come-over-and-help-me-now' look. Being the kind person he is, he rushed over and helped me by letting me hold onto him.

We both rushed out of the nurse's office. We were walking pretty fast for my liking because my foot was hurting real bad, but we had to get there soon. I turned to Dustin as we were rushing down the halls.

"Where's the fight going to be?" I asked as we rushed down the hall.

"B-Hall." he replied simply without having to look at me.

"How do you know?"

"Well, I don't know for sure. But knowing Jaxon is a red head, he'll probably be waiting by Axel's locker for him to show up."

Wow. I never thought Dustin was this logical. Judging from his looks, he looks like the goody two shoe type, but he kinda looks like a dumb blonde. Just my opinion.

"We're going at a rate of 0.00002 meters per hour." I complained.

He chuckled. "You have to put everything in math form, don't you?" he teased.

"I'm serious!" I defended in a whiny tone.

"Well, there's only one way we can get there faster than this." he shrugged.


"I'll have to give you a piggy back ride." he smiled showing his adorable left dimple.

"No." I replied giving him a flat look.

"Well, okay then, it's up to you. Walking at this rate, we'll be there in about fifteen minutes considering the stairs we have to climb." he shrugged again.

I groaned in frustration. I guess that left me no choice.

"Fine." I groaned.

"Fine what?" he smirked slightly.

"You can give me a piggy-back-ride." I groaned in embarrassment.

He chuckled before bending down before me for me to get on. I crawled got onto his back carefully and hooked my arms around his neck. I secured my legs around his waist as he held onto my legs and stood up slowly.

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