Chapter 37 Everyone's Invited

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Crush On Mr. Bad Boy

Chapter 37 Everyone's Invited

A/N: Thank you GoddessGlitter2001 for the awesome banner to the side!!(: And sorry about any errors, this chapter is unedited!(:

Turns out, Axel didn't actually take that long to pee. He was just taking his sweet time texting his mom and dad after doing his business. Gross right? A bathroom sink has about 100,000 germs per square inch, where the toilet seat has only about 100 germs per square inch. But, every time you flush the toilet you send an invisible six foot plume of bacteria that lands on exposed surfaces.

Not only that, about 7 million phone are dropped into the toilet each year. So why would anyone want to use their phone in the bathroom? When I told him that, he just patted me on the head and said, "Only you Princess, only you."

After half an hour of him pushing me on the swings, we both fell asleep under a naked autumn tree. Thank god the weather was still warm, otherwise both of us would've gotten sick. I woke up to Axel poking my side trying to get to wake up. "I'm hungry." he stated, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Then eat." I said trying to fall back to sleep, but he wouldn't let me.

"I'm hungry." he said, poking my side again.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled with my eyes closed.

"No, we're going to your place to shower then we're going out to breakfast." He said, poking my side once again. I tried swatting his hand away, but he pulled his hand away in time.

"Give me five more minutes." I mumbled, turning away from him.

"No can do Princess, you're getting up whether you like it or not. And just so you know, you really need to take a shower." he chuckled.

I bolted right up to a sitting position. "Are you saying I smell bad?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Maybe." he smirked at me before pushing himself off the ground. He held out a hand for me to take, and I gladly took it. He hoisted me off the ground and picked up his shirt that I was sleeping on off the ground. "Smells like vanilla." he sniffed his shirt.

I scrunched up my face in disgust. "Do you know how many germs are on that?"

"No, and I don't want know." he scrunched up his face in disgust just like me. "Now let's go get cleaned up.


Luckily, Cleo wasn't home when we arrived. She left a small sticky note on the door that read 'You're Grounded'. When Axel saw it he snorted out loud before crumpling it and throwing it away. We took turns taking showers and decided on eating at my place.

"I need your opinion on something." Axel suddenly said. I nodded for him to continue because I had a mouthful of cereal in my mouth. "Tonight my step dad's having this anniversary dinner with my mom and he's inviting pretty much everyone he knows to come."

I swallowed the cereal in my mouth and nodded for him to keep talking. "They're going to show pictures from their wedding and every time they've gone on vacation together to everyone. And they're going to show a little clip from the wedding.

Cleo will be there and I think your dad's going to be there too since he's one of my step dad's business partners. The question I was going to ask you was, how humiliating do you want it to be for Cleo and my step dad?"

"How embarrassing can it get?"

"Depending on what you want to do." he replied with a shrug.

"I want Cleo to get what she deserves. For what she's done to my dad, what she's done to me, and what she's done to Layla."

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