Chapter 31 Revenge Is Served Sweet [Part 1]

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Crush On Mr. Bad Boy

Chapter 31 Revenge Is Served Sweet [Part 1]

---Still Axel's P.O.V--- [Pic to the right is Cleo's office]

If only looks could kill.. She was glaring so hard at the door, damn I felt sorry for that door. Oh god, I was really becoming soft. Caring for a stupid door? I was becoming more like her with every minute I spent with her.

She locked the door and slammed her fists into the door over and over again. Damn, that girl could throw a punch. She beat the door until she cracked the wood on it. "Why her?!" she screamed at the door, but I knew it was directed to Jaxon.

"Out of ever filthy whore on the surface of the Earth, why her?!" she walked pass me and grabbed a lamp off of a stand next to me before smashing it against the door with full force. I wasn't planning on stopping her anytime soon though.

Even if she decided to burn down the damn house I wouldn't stop her. Because sometimes people have to take all their anger out on something or someone to feel better. But Jaxon was gone and she couldn't take the rest of her anger out of him, so she had no choice but to take all her anger out on the poor door.

"Why her?! That f*cking bitch!" she grabbed a picture frame of her dad and slutty Cleo from the stand beside me and smashed it against to door, causing glass to shatter all over the place. "Those two are both f*cking bitches! Ruining my life!" she screamed on the top of her lungs.

I thought that was the end of her destroying stuff, but that was just the beginning of it. Her ice blue eyes were filled with so much anger I thought they were going to explode. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and her face was red from anger.

"Her office." she whispered to herself before stomping away.

Now that girl is pissed off. I don't know why but I felt like giving her a high five for finally doing something about being treated like shit. I quickly followed her into the kitchen and watched her grab stuff out of her fridge.

She grabbed a jar of pickles before popping the lid off and sniffing it. She made a disgusted face before closing the lid and pulling out five more jars of pickles out of the fridge. Who the hell has six jars of pickles in their fridge? She grabbed two boxes of whip cream out of the fridge while mumbling something about them being expired.

She left the fridge open and grabbed a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard from the kitchen counter. She went back to the fridge and grabbed a pack of eggs before shutting the fridge. She got a few cans of tuna out of a cabinet before attempting to carry all that.

"Let me help." I offered.

"I can do it." she replied trying to carry all that food in one go. I admired her stubbornness and her capability of carrying five jars of pickles at the same time, but she couldn't carry all that by herself. I had no idea what she had planned ahead, but I decided to help her anyway. It couldn't hurt, right?

I grabbed the other jar of pickles from the ground and scooped up all the other food in my arms. The smell of the food was really making me sick. All the food smelled like shit. "All of this shit is expired." she explained walking ahead of me.

Was she physic or something? "What kind of step mom has expired food in her house?" I scrunched up my face in disgust.

"Obviously the slutty whore of a step mom married to my dad right now." her voice was filled with hate.

I couldn't really see where I was going, but I followed her footsteps to what looked like an office door. She kicked the door open and set the jars of bad pickles down. I did the same and set the food down next to the jars of pickles.

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