Chapter 36 Sob Story

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Crush On Mr. Bad Boy

Chapter 36 Sob Story

A/N: Thank you @isabelreann_ for the awesome banner to the right!(: And this chapter is unedited, so sorry about any errors!<3

---Rose's P.O.V---

You've taken everything from me, what else do you want? Layla's words kept spinning around in my head. I've never thought I'd see the day where she'd break. The day where her perfect Greek goddess posture came falling down.

If it were anyone else in my situation, they'd probably laugh in her face. But this was me we were talking about, the softy who never did anything before a rebel walked into her life. Even though she made so many years of my life a living hell, I couldn't bear to do that to her. A part of me wanted her to pay for what she put me through, but the other part of me wanted to comfort her.

She was human after all. My mommy, you took her! You took her away from me! Layla was sobbing hysterically in front of me with blood running freely down her face and neck and tears flooding her face. Her makeup was now smeared all over her face. She was a wreck.

"Who's your mom?" I asked her in a quiet voice.

She sniffed. "Isn't it obvious?"

"My real mom?" I furrowed my eyebrows. That wasn't possible, my real mom was a deadbeat mom and she didn't have any kids before me.

"No, you might seem smart but you're really stupid." Of course she would have to insult me no matter what. "Cleo, my mom's Cleo." she looked at me expectantly for some reason.

Everything froze that moment and something clicked in my mind. This all was starting to make sense. I put all the puzzle pieces together slowly. In middle school, as soon as she heard my name she hated my guts, because my step mom was her real mom. Her mom left her to come marry my dad.

"January 13th, was the day I turned six." she sniffed while looking into the distance. "She promised me she'd come to my birthday no matter what. She said even if she had to sail the seven seas she would still come. I invited all my friends from school and even dressed up as my favorite Disney princess that day." she wiped some tears away with the back of her hand, smearing even more makeup over her face.

"I waited and waited. I promised her I wouldn't open the presents or cut the cake before she came home. All the guests arrived and enjoyed the party. That afternoon no cake was served, I wouldn't let anyone touch it until my mom came home.

Hours passed, guests left, maids cleaned up the whole place, but she still wasn't home. I told them to leave the cake on the table and the presents untouched because I wanted to wait for her to be here with me. I waited until it was midnight, four hours passed my bedtime.

My dad came down to talk to me, he said she couldn't make it. I told him I didn't believe him and I sat there next to the window waiting all night. The maids all went to their rooms to sleep, and I was the only one left awake. I stayed up all night staring out the window, hoping she'd come home.

I didn't sleep a wink those two nights. The next day I insisted on waiting, but my dad told me to go shower in case my mom came home. I did what I was told and went to his office. I overheard him talking on the phone with my mom.

My mom said she had to take care of her boyfriend's daughter Rose, because she had a 'very important' dentist appointment that she couldn't miss. You know what the sad thing is?" she looked up at me with watery eyes. "She couldn't miss her boyfriend's daughter dentist appointment, but she could miss her own daughter's birthday."

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