Chapter 7

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Niall P.O.V.

"Good morning peoples!" Holly laughed as we walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." They all said together.

"Hey girls, since the boys have a signing today, what do you think if we have like a girl's day shopping and stuff like that?"

""OMG yes! We're gonna have so much fun today!" Said Eleanor.

"Of course, at what time are you guys leaving?" Gigi asked us, the boys.

"At 9:30 because at 10:30 we need to be there ready to start signing."

"Ok so we can leave at 10:30 too girls?" Maya asked.

"Fine by us," Olivia responded.

*Skipping to 10:30*

"Bye boys," the girls said as they kissed their boyfriends.

"Bye babe," I told Holly as I kissed her passionately on the lips.

"Bye hunny, stay safe, see you tonight and call me or text me when you can." I giggled at how caring she was, god she was sweet.

We headed out of the house and walked up to the black van that was going to drive us all the way to Manchester for our signing today. Paul, our bodyguard, was coming with us, obviously. (Sorry, I know that there's probably more than an hour drive from London to Manchester but that's really all I can think of cause I don't know the actual times:) )

Holly P.O.V.

We waved as the boys left then we headed back inside.

"Girl's Day!" We all screamed at the same time then we ran to the kitchen.

*Back at home after the mall*

Me and the girls have been out for almost 5 hours just shopping at the mall and we're finally back home.

"Hey Holly, do you want us to give you a make over?" Gigi asked me.

"Yeah sure, why not?"

We headed upstairs to Zayn's room knowing his would be the best since he probably spends hours in his hair there.

I have no idea why and how but for some reason we went into Harry's room instead of Zayn's at first by accident but we quickly ran out of there once we saw all the magazine pictures of hot woman in bikinis all around his room.

Once we got to Zayn's room, I sat down in front of his mirror on a chair.

Maya and Eleanor put out all the outfits that I had bought today on the king sized bed and some even on the floor, that's how much clothes I bought, and chose a really cute outfit for me.

Gigi was doing my hair and Olivia was doing my make up.

Gig put half of my hair into two french braids that went into a bun at the back of my head and the rest of my hair was let down with some wavy curls.

Olivia gave me a natural make up look with nude lipstick and a pink smokey eye with a thick wing and big lashes.

Maya and Eleanor chose a baby pink tank top/ off shoulder shirt, a pair of white shorts and a baby pink fluffy purse that goes with the shirt. I have to admit, it was a super cute outfit.

When Gigi and Olivia were done from my hair and makeup, which took hours but it was super fun because we kept on talking, I quickly went to the bathroom to put on my outfit that Maya and Eleanor put out for me, being careful not to ruin my makeup or hair.

By the time that we were ready it was already six in the evening and the boys were downstairs in the kitchen.

"Gurl you look so good!" Eleanor shrieked when she noticed that I was out of the bathroom.

The other girls looked up from their phones when they heard Eleanor.

"Oh my god gurl, you look so pretty!" continued Gigi.

"I bet Niall would want to do you tonight," Olivia winked which made me blush.

"Yeah, I totally agree," Maya continued which made me blush even more. I was probably like a tomato right now.

"Don't be shy girl, all of us have done it with our boyfriends at some point or another." Maya told me. Not to be rude, but that was some information that I didn't need to know.

We walked down to the kitchen where the boys were on their phones around the counter.

Harry heard us walk down the stairs and looked up. As soon as he saw me he made a whistle which got the others attention.

Niall P.O.V.

I heard Harry whistle so I looked at what he was whistling at and that's when I saw the love of my life walking down the stairs looking as beautiful as ever.

I didn't notice that I was staring at her with my mouth wide open until I heard Holly giggle and that quickly got me back to reality.

I walked up to her and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"PDA!!" Louis screamed like a little girl.

I pulled away and smiled like a chashire cat.

"You look so pretty," I complimented.

"Thanks," she said while looking down at the floor. Even though she was wearing make up I can tell that she's blushing.

After that there was a short awkward silence which was quickly cut off by Harry announcing that were going to order some pizza and everyone yelled "YAY!" in excitement.

"Wait, actually I have another idea!" Liam announced, "since Holly is all dressed up, why don't we all dress up again and go out, like on a quintuple date?"

"Okay," we all day in unison, which was kinda funny.

We all headed to our rooms as the girls headed to the guest bedroom to get ready.

Me and the rest of the boys finished after about 40 minutes, before the girls. The girls took about an hour and a half to all get ready. I guessed they helped each other with the hair and make up because it usually takes them at least 2 hours.



Hey guys.

I'm so sorry for the crappy chapter but I promise, next chapter there is gonna be some drama and I know because I already wrote it.

At the top/ side you can see Holly's make up, hair and outfit inspiration pictures.

Anyway, please vote/ follow/ share/ comment.

Love you ❤️💛🇮🇪💚💙

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