Last Part/ Epilogue

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As I said in the last chapter/ note, I won't continue writing this story for multiple reasons but, as a reader too, I hate how annoying it is when you're reading a fanfiction and the book just stops there, unfinished and you don't know what happens at the end, so I decided to do this last chapter to tell you how this story was supposed to end.

So this is the last part, I hope you like it :)

⚠️⚠️PS: SELF HARM MENTIONED!!⚠️⚠️ (I'll put a small note before and after any parts that it's mentioned so if you don't like that topic you can just skip it. It's not written in 'detail', it's just mentioned)

Harry and Holly end up being together, Harry breaks up with Olivia but Holly stays with Niall. Harry doesn't like this so he asks Holly to break up with Niall and after asking her to do so for like, ten million times, she lies to Harry and tells him that she broke up with Niall when they are still seeing each other.

Now you might ask, won't the others know that they were dating? Because Holly came up with the excuse that she's still not ready to make it official, not even with their friends.

This went on for almost a year. Yes, she managed to hide this fucked up love-triangle for a year with no one knowing about this. Ok, that isn't the full truth, her friends, Naomi and Mia did know about this and they did help her to not get caught multiple times even though they hated what she was doing to both Harry and Niall.

Anyway, fast forward to the year after. She and Harry decided to go on a holiday to Venice, Italy, but obviously, they had to make up excuses as to why they were leaving, so Holly said that she was going to Venice, Italy, to visit her grandparents, and Harry said that he was going somewhere in the States with his family for a reason that not even he knew of.

Holly did leave a couple of days before Harry so it wouldn't be suspicious. The flights were successful and none of the boys suspected a thing, and Harry and Holly were finally happy, alone, in privacy, in the beautiful city known as Venice. Ohhhh but not for long.

Holly had this habit of leaving her location switched on so anyone could track her down and see where she is. Well, our little Nialler, decided that he was going to surprise Holly by visiting her halfway through her trip.

Little did he know, that he wasn't going to surprise her only, but himself too, because on the same day that he was going to visit her, Harry also decided to give his girlfriend a small surprise.

Fast forward to Harry's little 'date' thing with Holly. He decided to take her to this little park close to the sea and by the time they were there, Niall was getting ready to go and meet Holly.

Harry and Holly chatted for what felt like days but was just about an hour and a half as they ordered at this restaurant. Harry seemed quite nervous during the vacation but Holly had just brushed it off, thinking it was just stress from the album that they were soon going to release.

After they finished eating, Harry proposed the idea that they should take a small walk close to the shore. Holly didn't refuse and so they started walking, hand-in-hand. There was no talking, just comfortable silence, only the sounds of waves hitting the shore were being heard.

By this time, Niall had arrived at the location they were currently in and found Holly walking hand-in-hand with Harry. Naturally, he was confused, because Harry was supposed to be on the other side of the world and Holly was supposed to be with her grandparents.

Deciding that he wasn't going to make his presence known at that moment, he hid behind a bush that was close enough so he could hear what they were saying but not too close that they could see him.

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