Ch 10: Shopping Trip

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I laid in bed reading articles about turtles wanting to send it to Kiara. My screen changed to a picture of Rafe. I clicked the green button answering the call.

"Hello" I said.

"Get ready I'm outside" he said.

"Wait what?" I said getting up.

"I'm outside get ready" he said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Ferry. Chapel Hill" he said.

I hung up the phone looking through my closet. I grabbed a tight fitted yellow dress that went right above my knees. I quickly put it on fixing the ruffled short sleeves at the top. I put a pair of comfy sandals on knowing we would be walking. I grabbed my purse running out the door.

As I walked to the passenger side I could see the smile on Rafe's face as I opened the door.

"Nice dress" he smirked. "I bet other guys will think so too."

"You said get ready and I did. Didn't even have time to put make up on" I said looking at myself in the mirror.

"You don't need it" he said.

We pulled into the parking lot jumping out of the vehicle. As we approached the ticket booth Rafe quickly bought tickets to get on the ferry.

"I could have paid" I said.

"Nah" he said as we got on.

Sitting down he snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his side.

"That guy to your left keeps looking at you" he whispered into my ear.

I looked around noticing a younger guy, probably our age a few feet from where we sat.

"I'm sitting with you aren't I?" I asked.

He kissed the side of my head. As we got off an elderly woman stopped us.

"I don't mean to disturb you. I saw you two back there" she said. "The way this young man looks at you is the way my husband used to look at me before he passed. It's nice to see love like that still exists."

I smiled slightly.

"I hope you have a nice day ma'am" I smiled.

She grabbed my hand as Rafe walked ahead.

"Hold onto that one dear" she said.

"I will" I said.

I caught up with Rafe as we began walking around.

"So why did we come here?" I asked.

"I need a suit and you need a dress" he said.

"Oh shit I forgot about Midsummers" I said.

He stopped in front of a shop holding the door open for me as I walked in.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you two?" A lady asked.

"He needs a suit to compliment his gorgeous eyes" I said.

The lady smiled.

"I have a couple in mind" she said walking away.

"Perfect" I said as we walked over to the dressing rooms.

She came over with about seven suits in hand. She handed them to Rafe as he began trying the first one. He walked out and I held in my laugh.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said looking away.

"What!" He said.

"Next one" I said.

Six suits later he tried on the last one. I was looking at shoes as he came out. I walked over noticing a girl doing the same.

"Looks good on you Mister Cameron" she smiled.

"What do you think Lizzy?" He asked flattening it out.

The girl turned to me.

"Definitely brings out your eyes" I said.

"Do you have any dresses similar to this color for her?" He asked the girl.

Once again she turned to me slightly rolling her eyes.

"Size six?" She asked.

"Two actually" I said looking away.

She walked away not saying a word.

"She did not like me. She's going to bring me the ugliest dresses here" I said sitting down.

Rafe changed back into his clothes bringing the suit over to the counter. He walked back over as did the girl with dresses in her hand. She handed them to Rafe smiling as she did so. I rolled my eyes grabbing the dresses. As I tried the first couple on I yelled from the dressing room.

"These are all ugly!" I said.

"They all can't be ugly" he said. "Show me."

"No!" I said.

I put on the silk one as it hugged my body from my ribs to my hips, it was loose at the top and bottom with a slid down the right side. I walked out looking in the bigger mirror. I turned around.

"What about this one?" I asked.

He walked over looking me up and down whistling.

"I think we got a winner" he said.

The girl walked over once again.

"Tell her how good she looks in that dress" Rafe said.

"She looks gorgeous" she said through her teeth.

I went back changing out of the dress and back into the one I was wearing earlier. I put it back on the hanger walking out. I handed Rafe the dress as I looked at the shoes again. I grabbed a pair of sparkly silver heels handing them to Rafe.

"Oh shit I need a headpiece" I said walking over to the ones on the wall.

"I have one right here that will work well with it!" The older woman said behind the counter.

I smiled walking back over. I put my purse on the counter looking for my wallet. I grabbed my card handing it to her.

"Have a nice day you two" she said.

I looked at her confused.

"I already paid" Rafe said.

"What? Rafe you didn't have to do that" I said.

He handed me the bag with my shoes and headpiece as he held onto his suit and my dress.

As we neared the ferry I pulled out a fifty dollar bill handing it to the boy for two tickets.

"Keep the change" I smiled.

He handed us our tickets and we walked on board.

"Beat you to it" I said.

I laid my head on his shoulder as we sat there.

"I'm so tired" I said.

"We can take a nap when we get back" he said.

"Sounds like a plan" I said yawning.

I sat in the passenger seat trying my hardest not to fall asleep. He pulled into his driveway putting the vehicle in park. I got out of the car leaving my stuff in the car. I followed Rafe up the stairs and to his room quickly taking off my shoes and jumping onto his bed instantly falling asleep.

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