Ch 31: Last Straw

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I stood behind Rafe with my arms crossed.

"All I'm saying there was an explosion in the shipyards. Where'd that come from huh?" He asked. "I wouldn't put it past these assholes man. You don't know them. They could've gotten on the ship. Listen why not make sure? What's it gonna hurt."

The captain looked at me then grabbed his walkie.

"Hey Mack" he said.

"Yeah?" The guy responded.

"I want you and the crew to search the ship for stowaways" he said.

"Thank you" Rafe said grabbing my hand.

"Uh okay but why?" The guy responded again.

"You never know man. Just give it a once over will you?" He asked.

"Copy that" he responded.

Rafe led the way back to the cabins. He grabbed Wheezie along the way stopping in front of a large box. He took the top off setting it onto the side before unwrapping the blanket.

"Wow" she said.

"The family was in trouble. We thought dad was dead. I'm the one who stepped up okay?" He said. "I took care of business."

"Mhm" she responded.

"It's worth hundreds of millions of dollars" he said. "Do you understand that?"

"I don't care about this. I don't care about the money. I care about Sarah. Is she okay? Cause no ones gonna tell me" she said.

"Wheez she's fine. I promise" I said. "Go find Rose."

Rafe began to cover the cross back up.

"Shes a child Rafe. You can't talk to her like an adult and expect her to act like one" I said.

I walked away towards the rooms. I stopped in front of the open door to see Ward sitting down with Sarah. I stepped in feeling a presence behind me. I turned around to see Rafe. He walked past me leaning against the book shelf.

"Sweetie what I need you to understand more than anything is that I never imagined that you would be there" Ward said. "I wanted to call you immediately to tell you I was okay, to explain it all. It broke my heart that I couldn't. But I had to make sure Rafe got away. So that him and Liz would be released."

"Thank you dad" Rafe said. "At least one of us is grateful."

I glared at him as I looked at Sarah.

"That's psychopathic, both of you" Sarah said.

"I promised Rafe that he wouldn't go to prison for helping me" Ward said. "I had to make good on that promise."

"Not that you care" Rafe said.

"Did it look like I didn't care when I though dad was dead?" She asked.

"It looked like you cared about running off with some asshole" he said.

Sarah and Rafe began yelling at one another.

"The point is you cared!" Ward yelled. "The important thing is that its all behind us. It is. We're gonna live a new life. All of us together."

He looked at me then to my stomach that was showing.

"I'm gonna be a grandfather and we're going to be happy" he said.

Sarah turned to me.

"You're pregnant?" She asked.

I nodded smiling slightly.

"I want to call my friends. I want to call my boyfriend. Can I at least tell them I'm okay?" She asked.

Ward began talking with Sarah about John B. Rafe sat down. I walked over sitting on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rubbed his head as Rose and Wheezie came in. Sarah glared at her father as Wheezie sat beside her. I walked out of the room to where Rafe and I's assigned room was. I changed out of the sweatpants and crop top looking through my suitcase. I pulled out a blue tight fitting sundress. I looked in the mirror cradling my stomach. I sighed walking to the bed. I laid down closing my eyes. I woke up to someone talking on the overhead.

"Attention all passengers and crew. Report to the tween forward hull. It's an order" the captain said. "Attention all passengers and all crew, report to the tween forward hull."

I walked out of the room running into Rafe.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Go with Rose" he said.

Rafe was slowly behind us as we walked towards it.

"Where's Rafe?" Wheezie asked as we got inside.

I looked around noticing he wasn't here. The door was shut as the crew members began trying to push it open. Rose put her hands in front of us stepping backward.

"Oh my god. Oh my god" she said.

I looked at the figures behind the door in between the space.

"Kie?" I said aloud.

"Check the other door!" A guy said.

They all ran to the other side to find it shut and locked instantly. I held my stomach as the guys continued to pound on the doors. I grabbed Wheezie's hand lightly squeezing it. Soon the door was swung open by the captain as the crew members ran out. We were the last to run out. Rose took Wheezie to their cabin. I ran through the halls towards the top. I looked down to see Rafe holding onto a rope. I took one last look before finding my way to the same level as him. I found him now standing up with a gun in hand. I looked to the water to see Kiara with the rest of the Pogue's on a lifeboat.

"Rafe!" I yelled. "Don't pull that trigger!"

I slowly walked towards him as he paid no mind to my words.

"Please" I cried. "You kill her or anyone on that lifeboat. I'm done."

He slowly let the trigger go putting the gun down to his side. I stared at him wiping the tears from my face.

"I can't do this if this is how our life is going to be. I don't want our kid to grow up like this" I said.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I'm having this baby with or without you. I love you more than anything and I love your family like they are my own, which they are now. But you need help" I said. "And I've been ignoring it but this is my last straw. You held a gun to my sister Rafe. My sister!"

He looked down at the gun dropping it.

"If you want me forever and you want to raise this kid with me. Something has to change" I said.

He nodded slowly walking towards me. He held my head as I buried my head into his chest.

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