Ch 18: Leaving for Charleston

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I sat looking at the two empty suitcases.

"Elizabeth!" I heard my father yell from downstairs.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"Down here now" he said.

I rolled my eyes before walking down the stairs.

"Your mother and I bought you these new suits, to look professional" he said.

He grabbed five perfectly made suits from the couch. I smiled grabbing them.

"Thanks dad" I said.

"Anything for my baby girl" he said.

I ran up the stairs with the suits in hand. I began gently folding shirts and pants into the suitcases. I finally zipped them up bringing them downstairs.

"Dad can you put these in my car?" I asked.

"After I finish this up" he said from the kitchen.

I nodded to myself going back up the stairs. I grabbed a bag and began putting shoes in there. I looked around at anything else I could need while away. I laid on my back not realizing how tired I was. I fell asleep within a minute of lying down.

Waking up I looked around for my phone. I squinted to look at the time. I got up changing out of my jeans and into leggings. I pulled on one of Rafe's old shirts before walking down the stairs.

"I'm going to spend the night with Rafe before I leave, is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course" my mother smiled.

I walked over to her, hugging her.

"I love you my little love bug" she said.

I smiled as tears swelled up in my eyes.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"The restaurant but he will miss you" she said.

"Love you" I said kissing her cheek.

I grabbed my keys walking out to my car. As I sat in the drivers seat I turned around to find the suits and the suitcases gently laid in the back. Driving to Tannyhill was a short drive. Walking inside was different without the presence of Sarah. She brought a type of joy and happiness that no one could replace.

I walked into Rafe's room watching him pace back and forth. Clearly something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Don't go" he said.

"Not this again" I said.

"Lizzy please I need you" he said.

"I don't want to leave you" I said with tears in my eyes. "But I can't cancel this, not even for you."

"Don't leave, don't leave me" he said.

"I'm sorry. I'll only be gone for four weeks I promise" I said. "No matter what I will always come home to you."

He sat down and began pulling at his hair.

"Rafe" I said softly. "I love you with my whole heart. I put my life on the line for you. Trust me when I say I am coming home to you."

He looked up as a tear fell down his face, he looked back down wiping the tear. I walked over to him setting myself in his lap. I grabbed his face forcing him to look me in the eye.

"I love you Rafe Cameron" I said softly.

He placed his hand on my lower back standing up. He set me down gently on his bed as he placed kisses down my neck.

"And I, love you Elizabeth Carrera" he said hoarsely.


I tried moving realizing Rafe's arms were holding me down. I opened my eyes to find his head on my chest. I smiled rubbing circles on his bare back.

"Can we stay in bed forever?" He said.

"If only" I responded.

He slightly let go of my body allowing me to turn to my side. He began kissing the back of my neck then down my arm.

"Rafe I need to get ready" I said.

"Come on I won't see you for a whole month" he said.

"Rafe" I whined.

"Fine" he said.

I sat up looking at the ground for his shirt. I slid it over my head walking towards the bathroom.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I said.

"Oh I will" he said.

I quickly brushed my teeth before applying light mascara. I walked out looking for a change of clothes in his closet. I put on a pair of jeans and a light blue blouse. I looked in the mirror examining the outfit.

"I love that color on you" he said walking behind me.

"It compliments my skin tone very nicely I would say" I smiled.

He put his head on my shoulder staring at my reflection.

"You look beautiful" he said.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" I said.

I turned around wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"I mean it Rafe" I said.

I examined his face as he slowly nodded. I took a deep breath as we walked down the stairs. We stood outside my car staring at one another. One last look before I left. I grabbed his face crashing our lips together.

"I'm going to miss that dumb face of yours" I said.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said.

He opened my car door as I sat inside. He looked as if he didn't want to shut it. Athough I wanted to go and was excited for it. A large part of me wanted to stay, for him. He shut the door as his eyes began watering. I started my car driving off before he saw mine do the same. The drive to the dock was filled with tears and uncontrollable crying. I wiped the tears as they drove my car onto the large boat.

I sat looking at the water as we neared Charleston. I had hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. Prayed even. Although I had witnessed him doing an unthinkable act nothing could have prepared me for what was coming. Or for my future. For the time being I was content.

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