Ch 12: Good News

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"Wait John B is living with you guys?" I asked as I set down the boys food.

"Yeah my dad took him in for saving Sarah" Rafe said.

I looked at Topper who clenched his jaw.

"Change of subject, there's something I need to tell you guys" I said.

They all stared at me.

"I got accepted to University of North Carolina" I said.

I watched as Rafe clutched the fork he had in his hand.

"I'm not going but I do have an internship in Charleston that is about a month to two months starting in September" I said.

"Liz that's great!" Topper smiled then stopped once he saw Rafe.

"I didn't know how to tell you guys, it's just to get to know more about the business world and have the knowledge" I said. "I can only learn so much from my parents."

"Why aren't you going to North Carolina? I wish I would have gotten in!" Kelce said.

I looked at Rafe before speaking.

"Just wasn't right for me" I said.

"Nonetheless we are happy for you Liz" Topper said.

I smiled as he and Kelce raised his glass. Rafe walked out without saying another word.

"He'll come around to the idea" Kelce said.

"I hope so" I said.

I turned around to help the remainder of my customers as Topper and Kelce waited. Twenty minutes later I walked back over to the boys smiling.

"Ready?" I asked.

They nodded as we walked out. I looked at my phone sending a text to Rafe. We made our way to the ferry. I handed the boy money for our tickets. Getting on the two boys looked at me.

"You probably should have told him alone" Kelce said.

"I know" I said.

"It'll be okay though. He's just going to be in a funk" Topper said.

Getting off the ferry we stopped at a store for Topper to get new shirts.

"So why Charleston?" Topper asked.

"It's a good company" I said. "They know my parents."

"You really should have told him alone" Topper said.

"Look I get it. I didn't expect any of this to happen" I said. "Can we please change the subject."

I looked at my phone sending Rafe another text.

"Lunch?" Kelce asked.

I nodded as we walked to a nearby restaurant. Sitting down I once again looked to my phone.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" I said.

The two boys nodded looking at the menus. I clicked Rafe's contact calling him, putting the phone to my ear. It rang and rang until going to voicemail. I sighed walking back to the table.

"The waitress came back while you were gone and we just got you a lemonade" Topper said.

I smiled sipping the lemonade. After eating and more shopping the boys were ready to go back.

"Still no word from Rafe?" Kelce asked.

I shook my head. They both wrapped her arms around my shoulders. The ferry ride seemed short as we quickly got back to the island. Topper dropped me off at my house. I walked inside to find I had the house to myself. I took a deep breath before screaming. I grabbed the shopping bags walking to my room laying in bed. I tried calling Rafe getting sent directly to his voicemail. I turned my phone off turning on my side falling asleep.

I shot up looking around realizing it was now dark. I began hearing something hitting the side of the house. I got up looking out my window to see Rafe throwing rocks. I walked down the stairs and outside.

"What the hell Rafe!" I yelled. "You disappear after I tell you good news and don't respond to my texts or calls."

"I don't want you to go" he said.

"It's something I want to do and it's not like I am leaving forever" I said.

"My dad kicked me out" he said.

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

"I owed Barry money and, and I couldn't pay him" he said. "I didn't know where else to go."

"You can stay the night but I don't think you should stay here" I said.

He nodded slightly walking up to me.

"Promise you'll come back" he said.

"I'll always come back to you" I said.

Slowly we walked back inside and up to my room. I watched as he took his shirt off slicking back his hair. He laid on my bed looking to the ceiling. I changed into pajamas walking over to my bed getting on top of him. He looked to me putting his hands on my waist.

"I love you Lizzy" he said. "So much."

I leaned over placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You don't have to worry about me coming back home" I said.

"What if you meet someone?" He asked.

"Why would I when I have you?" I asked. "No matter what, I will always be by your side."

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise" I said.

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