Ch 17: Funeral

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I pulled on the black dress looking in the mirror. Rafe walked in adjusting his suit.

"Have you seen my heels?" I asked.

"Which ones you have a million pairs" he said.

"Black ones" I said.

"Specify which ones, like I said you have a million pairs" he said.

I rolled my eyes walking to his closet.

"Ya know you should really downsize your wardrobe" he said.

"The clothes I have here isn't even a fraction of what I have" I smirked.

I grabbed the heels in the back of his closet walking towards his bed. I walked behind him wrapping my arms around his stomach leaning my head against his back.

"Ready?" Rose asked peeking her head in.

I nodded walking after her. I smiled at Wheezie as she walked towards me. Rafe finally walked down the steps and we left.

Ward and Rose led the way towards the cemetery. I linked my arm with Rafe's as we stood waiting for it to begin. My heart ached seeing Peterkin's picture above her casket. I felt a pair of eyes on me as I looked around. My eyes met with an unfamiliar mans. He slightly smiled as I looked away.

Gun shots began going off as they lowered her body into the ground. I tightened my grip on Rafe's hands. As we began walking to the car Shoupe stopped in front of us.

"We're going to need to talk Ward" he said.

Rose began to intervene when Ward nodded walking towards Shoupe. Linking my arm with Rafe's we got into the car. Rose's nervousness could be felt within the entire car. Walking into the home, Wheezie went straight upstairs as did Rafe. Rose turned to me.

"What did you tell the cops?" She asked.

"I told them John B had the gun and that Rafe wasn't there" I said. "They hooked me up to a polygraph test."

"Did you pass it?" She asked.

"Of course I did" I said walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed my phone getting ready to text Topper. The message bounced back not being delivered. I looked at my phone comfused clicking the call button. The call quickly ended.

"He blocked me?" I said.

I walked upstairs to Rafe's room to find his suit on his bed.

"Murderer!" I heard from the balcony.

I walked out to the balcony. Rafe had his hands on the balcony leaning against it. I looked out to see Kiara running with Pope. He brushed past me going back inside. I watched as Kiara turned around, for a split second our eyes had met until they didn't.

Ward walked in after a couple of hours at the station. His lawyer right beside him.

"Have they tried contacting you?" He asked looking at me

I shook my head.

"Shoupe would not shut the hell up about what that John B said over the radio" he said.

I took a deep breath as Rafe came down the steps snaking his arms around my waist.

"It'll be okay. All of our stories are straight they have nothing on us" Rose said.

"You should probably go outside and see what my sister spray painted on the wall" I said.

Ward looked at me confused.

"I saw her running away with spray paint in her hand" I said.

He got up and instantly walked back outside. I turned around to face Rafe.

"Don't go" he said.

"I was thinking about it but Kie probably wouldn't want to see me anyway if she is home" I said.

I looked into his crystal blue eyes nearly falling into them. I took a deep breath before tangling my hand in his hair.

"I love you Lizzy" he said softly.

I smiled at his words.

"I love you Rafe" I said. "I should go check on my parents."

With his right hand he grabbed my face placing his lips onto mine. As we pulled apart there was a small smirk on his lips. I grabbed my keys and drove in silence. Pulling up to my parents home it seemed quiet. Which meant Kiara was not here. I walked in to my parents having lunch.

"You seen Kiara?" My father asked.

I thought about whether or not I should respond honestly or lie.

"No" I said.

Seemed like I was lying a lot.

"She's barely been home" my mother said.

Some part of me wanted to defend my younger sister. After all she had just lost a lifelong best friend, the reasoning being partially my fault.

"She'll come around. She's just grieving" I smiled. "Don't be so hard on her."

I walked upstairs changing out of the black dress and into sweatpants and a shirt. I sat on my bed for what seemed like an eternity. I felt bad for lying about who killed Peterkin. I loved Rafe. That was apparent. But was it worth ruining an innocent boys life? I continued to ask myself this question day after day. In the end I knew I would choose Rafe. I would always choose Rafe.

Kook Princess | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now